Chapter Fifty Four (Epilogue)

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This is so wrong

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This is so wrong.

We back ourselves into the dorm room and close the door behind us, never losing the connection between our bodies and our lips.

This isn't right at all.

I climb over top of her after backing her on to the bed and laying her down, quickly I went from passionately kissing her lips... to trailing my lips and my tongue down her neck, reaching her chest.

She has a boyfriend.

"Oh my god Niko." She moans aloud as I lift up her shirt and swirl my tongue around her nipple.

Her boyfriend is your best friend.

Things begin to escalate quickly, when we suddenly found ourselves completely naked and rolling around on the bed, aggressively making out.

Our hands travelled up and down each others heavily breathing bodies, her nails dug into the skin of my back as my teeth clenched the skin of her neck between them.

And this isn't even our first time sleeping together.

"Do you have a condom?" She pauses and asks as she breaths heavily. We had both awoken our inner animal.

"Of course I do." I grin and reach over to my nightstand drawer, pulling out a golden wrapped Trojan. I tear it open and rush to slip it on so I can slip in her.

I was craving the feeling of touching her again, the feeling of fucking her again.

Everything worked so smooth for us.

Like perfectly fitted puzzle pieces.

Only issue; she was my best friends girlfriend.

Yet we've been trying to pry ourselves from sneaking around together, clearly it wasn't working that well.

Our chemistry was just too good though, it was undeniable so we definitely didn't deny it.

I hated that I was doing this to my own friend, I promised I wouldn't do this again. To someone who's always had my back even with any issues we've had.

I just can't help myself around her.

I want her.

As I stroke myself, in and out of her beautifully shaped body, her soft skin— I'm forced to a stop when I hear the sounds of keys trying to unlock the door to my dorm.

Holy fuck is he here?

We rush out of the bed in horror and she grabs the sheets, wrapping them around her while I frantically put my boxers on.

I look around the room in a panic, wondering where the fuck to hide her. I couldn't let him walk in and see his girlfriend naked in a sheet with only me in the room.

Not a chance.

I'm not ready for that fucking talk yet.

"Get under my bed!" I whisper, rushing her down to the floor.

"What the fuck Niko I'm not going under your fucking bed! This is insane!" She whispers back to me angrily.

"Just get under, he's coming!" I shove her and she groans in annoyance and finally agrees. She crawls her way under and makes herself invisible.

She made it just in time before he walked in the door.

I sat on my bed and had my phone in hand, looking as normal as I possibly could.

He won't suspect a thing.

"Dude, why the fuck is there a freshly used condom beside your bed?" He asks with a chuckle as he walks deeper into the room.


"Ummm, I— I had a girl over, earlier, when you weren't here." I say, sounding like I was guilty of something more than ever.

"Classic Niko." He joked as he made his way to the bathroom.

The door shuts behind him and I practically melt in relief, the relief of him not being in this fucking room right now.

Where I have his naked girlfriend hiding under my bed after I fucked her.

I'm going to have a fucking heart attack soon.

I'm going to have a fucking heart attack soon

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Epilogue 2!

I know these are short and some of y'all are like damn she's cheap but I promise you'll thank me once all my books are completed and released. 🤪I have so much more in store for you than some epilogues.

That being said, I will only be doing 1 or 2 more and I'd like you guys to give me suggestions on what you'd like to see.

ie. when Grace and Vincent get married, birth of the baby, finding out she's pregnant. Even if you want to hear about other characters!

Let me know what you'd want the next two to be about!

Also don't forget to let me know what you guys thought about this one, I hope it gets your minds thinking!

Be sure to vote if you liked this one. Next one will be up when an idea is decided, then I'll get to writing! Or this might be the last one, we'll see😘

ATTENTION! I have released the official book cover and intro chapter to the second book In Love With The Bad Boy. Please go check that out you guys and be sure to save it to your library's! Once the book is complete, I will finally release all the chapters for you guys to enjoy♥️ I'm so excited for this and I really want to hear what you all think of the description, the cover, let me know if you're pumped!


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