Chapter Fifty One

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The day that seemed so far and so impossible ten months ago when I got here.

After everything, I never imagined I'd find what I found here at Brighton Correctional Academy.

I found someone I was without for too long.

And a miracle made its way in to my life. I was blessed enough to be granted my memory back someway, somehow.

We're still not entirely sure what happened that day. You can never be sure when it comes to amnesia, some people never get what they lost back, some people such as myself get lucky enough to be part of a miracle.

No, hitting my head did not bring my memories back.

The doctor said the best explanation he had was maybe a trigger, they weren't sure how it all worked completely in these cases but he believes there was a moment where a thought or anything could have triggered or pulled at my memory.

It all became super real when Niko said Vincent's name.

Perhaps in that very moment, in time and space, his name was the trigger to my nightmares undoing.

Whatever was doing the damage and causing my amnesia, that bitch found it's way out of the lobe of my brain and granted me access to my own memories again.

I remembered the boy I first fell in love with, the boy I didn't give up on until he finally grabbed me and let me be his.

Five months ago I would've said I wish I could take back the eight months Vincent and I lost. But as I sit here on the day I graduate, curling my hair while Vincent showers; I wouldn't change a single thing that's happened in our story.

Everything we went through, everything we suffered and struggled with; it's brought us to this even more amazing love we have today. If I thought we were crazy in love before, I would have never seen what we have now coming.

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