Chapter Forty

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"So you really just wanted to get to know me during a car ride to the bar?" I question and somewhat scoff, I turn to Luke as he drives along the highway on our way to Brix

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"So you really just wanted to get to know me during a car ride to the bar?" I question and somewhat scoff, I turn to Luke as he drives along the highway on our way to Brix.

The bar we were about to have the best time ever at.

"I mean yeah why not? Plus, I see the way you look at my brother. I figure there's something behind that, and I guess you could call me a curious guy." He replies with a smirk as his hands grip the white steering wheel of his car.

"Besides, the most personal encounter we've had was when you almost choked a guy to death." He laughs. "Why not start over."

Luke drove a matte white Porsche, with the interior of all white leather.

I was in an extremely expensive, high end, cloud.

I guess it was no secret that I had heart eyes for Vincent either, I couldn't help it, it was just something about him and even though he's been the biggest asshole— I'm still swooning over him, so that's got to mean something.

"Why so curious about his or my love interests huh?" I giggle and question. Even though I genuinely wanted to know why he cared so much if I seemed to like his brother or not.

"I just wouldn't want anything to go badly or something, you know?" I watch him shrug, his eyes still fixed on the road.

Well that's always nice to hear from the brother.

I cock an eyebrow as I stare through the windshield in confusion.

Go badly?

"What would— I mean." I laugh nervously. "What would make something go badly?" I say in a more composed tone.

Was there something I should be aware of that put me at higher risk for something going badly?

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