Chapter Nine

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Pounding and throbbing is all I could feel, my head was obliterated by the amount of alcohol I consumed last night.

I knew I shouldn't have drank those tequila shots, I guess that's why Niko called the game 'bad luck'.

I woke up in my bed, in my dorm.

I was confused at how I got to my own bed considering the last I remember was me in some random room at the party, on someone else's bed.

In that bed I remember Vincent was with me, behind me holding me.

I could never forget that no matter how drunk I got.

Somehow after all that, I wake up, alone, in my own bed.

I slowly sit up in my bed, clutching my head as it throbs harder when I'm not laying down.

I groan in pain and close my eyes, wincing as it feels like a cows heartbeat inside my ears.

"You sound pleasant over there." I hear Niko from his side of the room.

Oh yeah, I forgot about him.

"Niko what the fuck happened last night, how did I get here?" I turn to him and question with wide eyes, piercing his soul intentionally.

I then notice Niko was only wearing boxer briefs, and nothing else. I looked back up to see him smirking at my realization.

"Niko would you please cooperate!" I wine, hinting for an explanation of last night.

"Yes boss!" He salutes mockingly. I roll my eyes.

"I found you and Vinny in the bedroom, you were passed out and he didn't want to leave you, I offered to bring you home but he said he was fine to get you home. So I went home and soon after he showed up carrying you and put you to bed. Im assuming he drove you home from Shorline and didn't walk, cause he made pretty good timing and I just don't think-"

Forgetting The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now