Chapter Seven

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After getting back to my dorm, I unpacked the boxes of clothes my papa had mailed to my room

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After getting back to my dorm, I unpacked the boxes of clothes my papa had mailed to my room.

There were boxes with the rest of my stuff, but right now I cared about taking out the clothes to find and outfit and get ready for the party.

It's been a while since I've been to a party...

"Man you got a lot of shit." Niko eyes my boxes.

Just wait till they're unpacked.

"Well I am a girl Niko, I need to follow the stereotype somehow." I roll my eyes laugh. "Can I ask you something though?" I ask seriously as I hold a pair of skinny high waisted jeans.

These just might be part of my outfit.

Maybe with a nice bra and a see through shirt.

You are a fashion legend, 10/10. So original.

"The answer is yes, I probably slept with her." He replies as he sits down on the couch, his hands clutched together between his knees. The innocent smile he held afterwards is what got me.

"No nothing like that, but good to know, whore." I scoff.

" I was going to ask your opinion on Logan, some guy Vincent made clear he doesn't like, but he's done nothing to me so I don't mind him." I trail off.

Niko's eyes shoot up to mine in shock. "Logan, Baxter?" He questions, sounding nervous.

Why do I have a bad feeling now?

"I guess that's his last name, he has dark straight hair, green eyes and he's pretty tall." I shrug hoping were not talking about the same person anymore.

"Oh yeah, that's him. There's nothing wrong with him, he just sleeps around a lot. He's known for taking girls virginity, he can be quite the charmer when he wants something. Which isn't bad because, well, I'm the same." He gives a proud chuckle and shrugs.


I'll never understand the mentality of a guy.

"Well that's a turn off, but I really feel like he was just being nice this time. We were in a library together and he had book to take out for crying out loud, he has to have a heart or something." I throw my hands up, dropping my jeans.

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