Chapter Nineteen

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"Do I look alright?" I turn and face Niko, revealing my finished look for the party

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"Do I look alright?" I turn and face Niko, revealing my finished look for the party.

He gives me wide eyes, then it slowly forms into a questioning expression. "Are you fucking with me right now?" He asks.

"No, I'm not! I'm trying to see if this looks alright for the damn party, now tell me I look nice!" I stomp my foot and wine, followed by an evil smile.

"You do realize there's not a moment you don't look nice? So why bother asking." He fixes his shirt in the mirror.

I feel the apples of my cheeks heating up, I was certain they were rosy as hell. I step beside Niko in the mirror and adjust the tight black dress I was wearing, the last time I wore this I can assume my chest was a lot smaller.

"Do not do that, I have no control over what happens after I see you do that." Niko exclaims and covers his eyes, being extra dramatic.

"Oh my god, what the hell am I going to do with you tonight? I'm gonna have to find Bella." I put my hand on my hip and glare at him.

"Well, I'm not opposed." He licks his lips, I roll my eyes for probably the eleventh hundred time today. Niko's secret talent is to make people role their eyes at him incessantly. So odd the way he has that effect on people.

He's lucky he's hot.

"Anyways, you ready to come get in my ride?" He wiggles his eyebrows. I cover my mouth and laugh as I shake my head. This extra flirty side of Niko was really coming out tonight, but it was more of a joking kind of flirt.

Which made it all that much better.

I've been smiling all day.

"Don't we have to wait for the guys? They said they were going to hop in with us when we leave." I remind Niko.

"Well I have no clue where they are and I'm not going be late because they're dumbasses." He shrugs and grabs his jean jacket.

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