Chapter Thirty Two

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"Hey you!" I hear Grace yell excitedly from a distance in front of me, I watch as she pounces on Niko with a smile and he screams at the top of his lungs, trying to get her off of him in horror

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"Hey you!" I hear Grace yell excitedly from a distance in front of me, I watch as she pounces on Niko with a smile and he screams at the top of his lungs, trying to get her off of him in horror.

What a high pitched scream.

He tries to fight her off until she pulls off her hood, then he begins to laugh.

I finally walk up to an unhappy looking Grace as she pants out of breath, and Niko laughing his ass off.

"What the fuck was that?" I semi laugh as I ask.

Niko attempts to hold a straight face but he laughs again. He clears his throat before he attempts to explain." Okay, so, I thought that- "

"He thought I was a homeless person trying to mug him!" Grace yells and interrupts him angrily.

Niko tilts his head back in annoyance and groans.

"Grace you had your hood up and your in a giant track suit, I couldn't identify you! Then you attack me? Well, cmon now I had to do something." He shrugs, trying to hold back the smile forming on his lips.

"I look perfectly female and Grace-ish, I don't look homeless or mugger-ish!" She raises her voice as she holds her arms out wide, putting herself on display.

This might last a while..

We finally got released from the building and we booked it out of there as soon as the doors unlocked— well, Grace booked it and I went after her.

Same thing.

Niko said he'd meet us outside but little did he know Grace was going to pounce.

Yet, little did we know he'd mistake her for a homeless man mugging him.

"I'm extremely hurt, I dress down one day and I'm a homeless mugger?" She sighs.

"Let's just get you home okay? You can cry about being a homeless mugger there." I give her a pat on the shoulder. She looks up to me with a very unpleased expression then rolls her eyes.

Why does she look so adorable in that track suit?

"I agree with Vinny, let's just get back home because you made me leave there to come get you." Niko complains and Grace mocks him in reply.

They were like brother and sister, which was weird because they slept together.

How odd to think about.

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