Chapter Five

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I spring upwards in shock, from the sudden impact of a pillow making contact with my head

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I spring upwards in shock, from the sudden impact of a pillow making contact with my head.

Is this how they greet each other in the mornings here in delinquent-ville?

"Turn that god damn alarm off before I sock you." I hear Niko grunt, I figured he'd be the culprit for the assault with the pillow.

I roll my eyes and latch on to my phone that rests on my night stand.

I cancel my alarm and browse my media quickly before shutting my phone off and slipping out of bed.

I took it Niko was mad about my early alarm, I guess he doesn't have to get up an hour earlier to make sure he's ready on time.

wish I didn't have to, I envied he got to sleep in just a tad longer.

Especially after we both had our sleep interrupted last night.

I wasn't in any way ready for this day.

I walk past the couch to see a mesmerizing Vincent, still asleep somehow.

I sauntered over to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, I made my way into a hot, boiling shower before getting out and brushing my teeth.

With a white towel around me, I exit the bathroom and grab my uniform off the footrest near my bed.

As I go to head back towards the washroom to get changed, I'm startled by Vincent wide awake, he was sitting upright on the couch, eyeing me.

Does this gorgeous mans really have to creep like that?

"You know, some people find staring rude." I purse my lips as I glare at his breathtaking appearance. He had just woken up and somehow he was more attractive than yesterday.

"Well I guess some people get butt-hurt too easily now don't they?" He tilts his head with a smug grin. I definitely didn't order a side of asshole this morning.

Damn, tough crowd.

I instantly frowned at his sassy comeback, brushing it off with a shake of my head as I made my way to the bathroom to get dressed.

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