Chapter Six

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"So what time does this opening party start exactly? I hope I have time to drop by the caf and eat, I'm starving

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"So what time does this opening party start exactly? I hope I have time to drop by the caf and eat, I'm starving. Plus, the last thing I want to do is drink on an empty stomach. It's already been a while." I wine to Niko as we walk into our dorm after school.

He closes the door behind him and swings his bag on to his bed as he walks over. Huffing out heavily as he flops on his bed.

"It starts around eight or nine I'm pretty sure, and you're seriously not going with James are you? He's very horny and relentless. He'd desperately want you to get too drunk so he has a chance, as terrible as it sounds" He warns.

I kind figured that by the way he was talking to me at the table, he was definitely a flirty individual, he probably gets with a lot of drunk horny girls at parties.

As much as he made me blush, I didn't know if I wanted to show up at a party with him, people would probably get the wrong idea.

I don't sleep around.

"I don't think so, I hope he was joking or something." I laugh. "I'm going to head back down to the caf for dinner and stop to grab a book from the library for English. I'll be back in an hour or so. Is there anything you need while I'm out?" I ask him as I make my way to the door, my wallet and phone in hand.

Niko strokes his chin jokingly before he answers. "Well since you're going to the library, pick me up Romeo and Juliette, the original one. That's all." He smiles and looks back to his phone.

Not what I expected to be picking up for a guy like him but at least it was an easy task.

I only offered to be nice, I'm glad I wasn't sent on some wild goose chase for a weird drink or something.

-- --

I order myself two large pieces of pizza with a side of poutine for dinner.

With my tray, I walk to an empty table by the window.

I could see the sun going down so perfectly, it goes down so early now since daylight savings. Days feel like you're running out of time now.

As I eat, I stare out the window and watch everyone, people getting in their car, walking along the boardwalk, one sexy ass guy leaning against the wall smoking.

Sexy ass guy??

Leaning against the wall smoking?

Wait what?

I blink twice and realize Vincent is leaned against the wall beside the guy he was fighting with earlier today, the fight I couldn't stop thinking about.

They seemed to be getting along, just talking as they leaned and smoked.

Vincent was still in his uniform, and god it really suited him, somehow the cigarette made it that much hotter, I've always had a thing for the rebellious.

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