Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Okay, so Vincent is the dick right?" Rory asks as she's nuzzled up in the blankets of my bed across from me

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"Okay, so Vincent is the dick right?" Rory asks as she's nuzzled up in the blankets of my bed across from me.

"I wouldn't say dick but I really don't know how to describe him—but he's also a dick. He's just, intense, and complicated." I sigh. "I'm like crazy about him for some reason though, I wish he wasn't such an asshole."

"There could be a deeper reason behind the way he is, you guys should just talk for real so you understand each other." She purses her lips and shrugs. "Just a thought."

In that moment I felt dumber than I ever had, this whole time that's what should've happened. We needed a chance to actually talk, and not fight.

Every time it's just a fight with me and him, we needed to learn how to talk to each other. He was so stubborn though, I couldn't see him going through with not talking to me like he hates me.

"You have no idea how glad I am you just said that." I exhale in satisfaction. "This whole time and I never thought of that."

"It's a good thing I came around huh, I can't believe you've gone through all of this shit alone and I had no clue. It literally breaks my heart Grace." She clutches her heart dramatically and winces.

After we got up to the dorm earlier, we talked everything out.

I told her everything starting from the moment she left until now. There were some tears shed and shoulders were cried on, but I was so happy to have her with me now, I never thought I'd ever see her again and now she was right here with me for some miracle of a reason.

"I can't believe you're here Rory, I'm so happy you're back." I give her a smile before leaning in for a hug.

As we embrace each other in a hug, the door to the dorm opens, revealing Vincent as he enters the room.

"Damn, who died?" He asks as he closes the door, me and Rory detach and look at him in confusion.

"Is that him?" Rory whispers to me, trying to be subtle. I tilt towards her and keep my eyes on Vincent.

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