Chapter Twenty Four

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"Let me sleep." I groan and swat away the finger that kept tickling my nose.

"Psstttttt, Grace, wake up!"

"Niko can you please shut up and stop-" In the middle of my sentence I open my eyes to James and Ryer standing over me at the side of Niko's bed.

My eyes grow the widest they've ever been and I shriek in horror.

"Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out!" I push them out of the door after springing out of bed and ripping the blankets off Niko to cover myself. I shove them out of the door and close it, making sure to lock it this time since clearly we didn't yesterday.

"Do you guys ever knock? Or do you just want to come move in?" I yell through the door, knowing they're still standing there like lost dogs.

"Oh I don't know Grace, between you, Niko and the sex you guys are having, I don't think there'd be any room." James laughs. I roll my eyes and sigh as I saunter back over to the bed where Niko was laying, completely uncovered except for boxer briefs.

As I sat wrapped in the blankets beside him, I couldn't help but drown in guilt from what happened yesterday. Was I really so down and vulnerable that I let myself sleep with someone who had a girlfriend?
Someone that in this moment, I'm not sure if I felt anything for anymore.

I felt it all as tears poured out of me yesterday, but maybe I just convinced myself I did so that what happened between us would happen. I didn't only feel bad for Bella, I felt bad for Niko. I let myself almost use him because I was in a low moment, a low moment over my feelings for someone else.

Vincent is a fucking dick but now it's clear to me that liking him is inevitable for me. I should've come to realize that yesterday before me and his best friend had sex. The worst part of it all is thinking of where Niko's feelings were at, did he actually like me, is that why he went through with it too?

My head was a mess, I just needed to get to school and pretend this never happened more or less.

"You're pretty focused on that wall there." Niko laughs as he sits up in the bed.

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