Chapter Thirty Nine

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I wake up to the beautiful sunlight beaming into my room

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I wake up to the beautiful sunlight beaming into my room.

It was so peaceful at this cabin, I could see an ocean view from the window in front of my bed, I could see the palm trees swaying in the ocean winds.

I sat up and stared into the beauty as I woke myself up. I wipe my eyes and yawn, looking back out to the waves washing over the sand.

Does it get anymore peaceful than this?

"Hey you big piece of ass, when did you get here!" I hear the voice of Niko shout from the main floor.

Naturally the peace was disturbed.

Quickly I hear the rest of the boys talking and joking. I assumed they saw that Luke made a surprise visit. I still couldn't wrap my head around that. As far as I know he thinks all the guys are idiots, so tell me why he wants to spend a week with idiots?

I shake my head and begin to slip off my bed, ready to head out and see everyone before—

"Oh, thank fuck you're awake." Rory says after swinging open my door and letting herself in. Closing it and locking it behind her.

Was there a murderer here or something?

"What's going on?" I ask nervously with a light laugh. She groans and plops on the bed beside me, her face in the sheets.

"Boys are so annoying. They're all like groping each other out there. How the hell did you get used to this?" She lifts her head and furrows her eyebrows in question.

Those boys were a lot to handle it was no secret, they were all hyper, goofy, defensive, and a little dimmed out in the old lightbulb sometimes, but they were amazing people.

Niko was the sweetest guy I've ever met, Ryer is deep down a hopeless romantic and is just waiting for someone, James is hilarious like Niko but he offers that flirtatiousness that makes your cheeks go red. Then there was Vincent, beautifully cold, vibrant, and alluring Vincent.

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