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daniel went wide-eyed, mouth hanging open with a few shocked blinks.


he was at a loss for words.

the blond reached out, scared to touch daniel. he had a pleading look, eyes partially glossing.

"can i help you?.. please?"

daniel's glance fell to his arm, seeing blood seep between the creases of his fingers as he glanced back at his supposed guardian angel.

"how do i know you're not some hobo, hm? one that climbed through my window?"

corbyn's mouth opened, closing it as he had multiple ways to go about this.

"your name is daniel james seavey, you are nineteen years old. you love music and often write in your journal just before bed every evening. i know your favourite colour is red, and—"

"okay, a stalker." daniel had daring eyes, the glare almost slicing through corbyn. the blond sighed, shoulders dropping as he could feel tears filling his waterline. he couldn't fail, he had to help. daniel was building up borders, ignoring the sting of his wrist.

"please let me help."

daniel's features softened at the waver of corbyn's voice, stepping closer to the male who hadn't lifted his eyes from his own feet.

"fine." the brunet kept a stern tone, sitting on the closed toilet top as his eyes watched corbyn crouch down to the cupboards, finding his med-kit immediately.

the two sat in silence, corbyn kneeled in front of daniel, leaning forward as he reached out a hesitant palm. daniel's stare was burning holes through corbyn, but the guardian didn't say a word. corbyn was scared he'd break, it was his first time doing the job and he couldn't even gain the trust of his person.

daniel released his arm, only now looking at the thin gash. corbyn's hand took his, and he swallowed.

"i'm sorry if this hurts."

he pressed the cloth onto daniel's forearm, but the sting was gentle, more soothing than anything.

the two had finally met eyes, and daniel was captivated by the colour of corbyn's own.

much closer, they were green— appearing blue from far away. they pierced his soul, and daniel had the silent wish of mapping out the iris.

"are you okay?"

the sound was gentle, and daniel could finally notice the smallest trace of tears lining the blond's lower lash. he nodded.

corbyn pursed his lips, giving a quick glance to daniel. "i didn't mean to scare you, you know," he was quiet for a moment.

"as your guardian angel, i'm ordered to protect you. i had to observe your actions for a long time before being given the pass from heaven to earth." corbyn stood, poking through the med-kit before finding an alcohol wipe, and ripping the top of the plastic.

he breathed in for a moment, kneeling once more before carefully taking daniel's open palm in his free hand.

"this will probably sting— just, um, take my hand..."

corbyn gently squeezed daniel's hand, laying the wipe down and applying pressure.

daniel winced, a vice grip on the angel's hand. corbyn seemed unfazed, eyes closing with disappointment.
"i rushed here to stop you from hurting yourself, and i still managed to hurt you nonetheless... i'm so sorry, daniel..."

he began to gently wipe across the open wound, and daniel had grown somewhat accustomed to the sting. corbyn focused on the cut, standing once more to toss the wipe and find the wrap.

daniel's eyes were fixated on tracing out corbyn's face, finding something mesmerizing about the guardian. his heart clenched when seeing corbyn pause his movements, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

for a moment, daniel had softened at the sorrowful being, but his vision was brought down to his wrist, the thought of his prevention caused for his face to harden.

corbyn was finished with aiding to daniel, putting unused materials into the kit and laying it back down beneath the sink. he'd stood awkwardly, looking at daniel as the brunet hadn't removed his eyes from his forearm.

"you can go now."

his tone was stern, and corbyn's heart dropped. a heavy weight pressed on his shoulders, he thought he'd helped daniel.

"is there anything i can do to hel—?"

daniel's head raised, brows furrowing with an angered expression. his eyes glared daggers through corbyn's body, causing corbyn to shy away.

"did you not hear me? i said you can leave. you've done enough."

corbyn swallowed, body trembling as he was fearsome of moving a muscle. his eyes were blurred from tears, throat souring from the thoughts clouding his mind.

i helped him... right?

daniel scowled, standing from his seated position and looking down onto the guardian. corbyn leaned backward, heartbeat rapid at the inflamed teenager.

"are you deaf? get out of here!"

corbyn stumbled, back beating into the doorframe as he turned. his hands were quick to wipe his eyes of the falling tears, wings folding from his back as he climbed through the window once more.

at the blaring sound of his alarm, daniel growled, uncontrollable anger surging his veins as he stood. instead of finding the distressed blond, his clock was simply knocked on the floor. the wind caused daniel's curtains to blow wildly into the room, and numerous feathers were sprawled across the floor. the final thing noticed was his lopsided lamp shade, as daniel picked up his alarm clock.

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