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corbyn smiled small as he landed on the ledge of daniel's roof, wings folding while his knees buckled to crouch. simple guitar strums floated from the crack of his window, causing the angel to sigh at the voice that followed.

it was the same tune he'd been working on back over easter break, when corbyn exposed a large, valuable part of his past to daniel. only this time, it was pieced together by words.

the voice cut for a moment, daniel's hand slapping the guitar strings, unaware that corbyn sat outside the window. "fuck, hold on, switch that."

his hand reached out, scribbling previous words and re-scripting them to rhyme better, wetting his lips before his attention was brought to the guitar.

spoken words were muffled, corbyn sighing as a breeze brushed against his arm. he opened the window, catching daniel's attention immediately as his eyes locked to a welcoming smile.

daniel hugged corbyn as soon as he dropped into the room, not even bothering that the curtains clattered upon entrance. he rolled over from his chair, journal left open on the desk with the guitar propped by a leg, coming over to wrap his arms around corbyn's waist.

corbyn swallowed, forearms falling around daniel's shoulders while his hands linked at the nape of his neck. he leaned down, for once actually taller than the brunet, and buried his chin into the soft locks atop his head.

he breathed in, feeling his chest jolt with a particular breath as daniel's head lifted, kissing the fabric of his torso momentarily before one hand moved to rest on corbyn's hip. "what's up, angel?"

corbyn released a breath, knowing his breath probably brushed over daniel's lips at this angle. his face dusted a peachy colour, licking over his lips before his head raised to the door. "can i spend the night?"

daniel scoffed, "what kind of question is that? of course you can."

to gain his attention once more, numerous pecks were given to corbyn's neck, daniel's gaze falling upon another scarring just where the neck met his right shoulder. he sat up a little more to reach it, kissing near the area as corbyn smiled small.

"whatcha doin'?" corbyn wanted his mind to stop in the repetitive bombs that were dropped, hating how easy it was for daniel to make his heart melt. i'm too attached to you.

"writing, y'know... the usual. our music teacher wants us to form a group and perform, if we can. we could do it in singles if we want but i might want the boys help." daniel shrugged, corbyn unable to read the scripture of his journal from being so far away from the desk. the lamp curled over on daniel's desk gave a yellow glow, shining graphite causing some words to be incomprehensible at the angle. "so, what do you wanna do, corbs?"

"we could watch a movie, dance, you could play the guitar, really doesn't matter to me. i just wanna be with you." corbyn's words were muttered, daniel parting from corbyn, his hands rested at the angel's hip, meeting eyes with him.

"anything happen at home?"

corbyn shook his head, loose, blond tufts tumbling over each other with a plastered smile of reassurance to daniel. "i'm okay, dani. just miss you."

the corner of daniel's lips curled, "i didn't go anywhere, love." corbyn was pulled a little closer, back slouching as he leaned to meet daniel's current height.

"i know."

their lips locked, corbyn's eyes closing with a quiet sigh. his legs seemed weak, body seemingly jello as he fell to daniel, knees meeting the floor as he could hear daniel laugh. now he was the one to lean, unable to continue kissing corbyn as he began to laugh at the unexpected action.

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