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they had waffles as to not scare corbyn with the stovetop, and daniel was more than fine with having them. corbyn, on the other hand, felt bad thinking daniel had any care for the food they would eat.

this resulted in daniel giving corbyn affection to keep his mood up, little pecks or hugs or connecting their hands, the smaller things. a few kisses were delivered to his actual mouth, though, for the soul purpose to see how his wings would ripple and he'd muffle an excited squeak against daniel's lips.

throughout the day they'd worked on daniel's schoolwork, probably taking much longer since corbyn was curious about many of the things in the history of music. daniel fixed the wheel, too, showing corbyn the proper way to do it.

when daniel was finished with his last paper,  corbyn walked back into the room with snacks for them both. "thank you." he muttered, seeing the bowl of chips being laid on the desk beside his paper.

the brunet dropped his pencil, spinning his chair to catch corbyn at the waist as the blond was caught off guard. he turned in the loose hold, daniel taking the bowl from him and laying it beside the other dish as corbyn's hands cupped the area of daniel's jaw and cheek.

as one of his hands reached the nape of daniel's neck, he was tugged into the brunet's lap. his cheeks tinted red, head moving as he looked at their stance. the guardian was simply sat on daniel's lap, and only that had caused his heart to raise in his chest with a giddy feeling. his wings were folded in, worried that if they flapped he would knock something over.

when his gaze lifted to daniel's, the brunet's lips curved upward as his eyes darted around corbyn's features, lingering on his lips.

corbyn swallowed as he could feel daniel's hands at his waist, slithering into corbyn's sweater. daniel's hands were warm, surprisingly, and that caused goosebumps to litter the skin of his back as his wing's ruffled involuntarily.

"hi." he breathed out, feeling their noses brush while daniel's grin grew, exposing the gap of his teeth.

"hey." his head tilted a little, feeling the movement of their lips just barely touching. corbyn, although nervous, glanced at daniel before completing the action.

the gentle hands of daniel against his lower back along with the slow, leisurely pace of their lips caused corbyn to completely melt into daniel's touch.

daniel identified it easily, feeling corbyn's posture falter as his hands grew loosely intertwined at the back of daniel's neck. their chests pressed together, corbyn's wings relaxing as the blond allowed a pleased breath to pass through his nose.

they parted, foreheads meeting as daniel's eyes opened to find that corbyn's smile widened. his hands fixed themselves and he pulled himself closer to daniel, head leaning to the side as he nestled into the brunet's shoulder.

"hate to break it to you but we need to get up, corbs, i want to change."

corbyn huffed, "you look fine," his head lifted as he pouted, not wanting to leave daniel now that he had him. "please..?"

daniel gave him a quick kiss to the tip of his nose, corbyn smiling small as his head tilted. the brunet shook his head, hands falling to corbyn's thighs as the angel was picked up again. he scrambled a little, hands gripping daniel's shoulders as he was startled from the soothing moment. corbyn was carefully laid onto the bed, one of daniel's hands raising to corbyn's upper back to ensure he wouldn't land on his wings in an uncomfortable way.

corbyn watched as daniel turned to the closet, stepping over as his shirt was unbuttoned and shrugged from his shoulders. one hand tossed it to the hamper, corbyn focusing on the movement of his back muscles as his elbows propped himself up. although expecting daniel to change in the bathroom, his pants were dropped and he grabbed a pair of sweatpants instead. he had boxers on, but it took corbyn by surprise.

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