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corbyn breathed out when the door closed, glancing down solemnly at the bouquet in his hands. the trip home took long as he didn't want to hurt them, praying that when the wrapping was removed they wouldn't fall apart.

after they had dessert daniel took him back home, apologizing that he didn't have anything else planned but corbyn assured him he had fun no matter what. he did, just, it was now that his thoughts came to play.

first the couple in the park, then the fancy people at the dinner, the proposal, it all lead corbyn to wonder if he really was good for daniel.

think about it, he let out a scoff, toeing off his shoes and slipping his arms out of the blazer as he headed into the kitchen. he left the article on a chair at the island, laying down the flowers as he began to search for a vase. i'm stuck in this teenage body for eternity, no matter how many years pass i'm still going to be nineteen. daniel could be thirty, it doesn't make any difference. strangers see some oldie kissing me? cops.

it didn't matter what age corbyn was, he's stuck like this forever. his hands pawed at the water, feeling the temperature before filling the vase and carefully plopping it onto the countertop. the flowers were unwrapped, seeing a few petals fall but generally they were in contact.

after they plopped into the water, corbyn battled his mind for the fact that he certainly was not hungry but wished for ice cream as a comfort food, loosening his tie before he unbuttoned the top buttons of the dress shirt and pulling it from the tucked position in his pants.

he squat down before the fridge, opening the freezer door before he could hear the creaking of his stairs, glancing toward the kitchen's entrance.


"in the kitchen!" he tried to pep his words, wanting his mother to know he was doing fine.

saskia smiled small as corbyn finally came into her sights. "how'd it go?"

he met her eyes with the basking of the freezer light, a neutral expression forced to glee. "it was nice! he took me to a fancy eating place."


"yeah!" once again, corbyn's head was ducked into the freezer.

saskia's brow quirked, "and you're still hungry?" she knew corbyn, he didn't have as big of an appetite as he used to. not everybody up here did.

it was easy to tell corbyn was hiding something when his eyes grew wider at the words, blinking shortly with his lips pursed to the side.

"yeah?" his tone was more questioning rather than assuring, nose scrunching up as saskia squat down with the freezer door blocking her, pushing it shut to meet corbyn's blank expression.

"what's up, corby-worby?" her hand reached out, brushing a few hairs from his face as he frowned small.

"i, uhm... there's just a lot going on in my mind right now..."

"oh, come on. don't do me like that, you always tell me what's bothering you. even when you were scared about how late you're going to lose your—"

"i get it, mom, thanks." his face flushed red, hands patting at her while they both released quiet laughter, saskia moving her hand to rub his shoulder.

"you can tell me anything, you know that." she gave him a smile in reassurance, soon bracing herself to stand and pushing off the floor. "if you need anything, ray and i are just in our room, i think we might watch a movie."

as she began to step away from the freezer corbyn's voice cut through the silence of her slippered feet against the floorboards. "momma?"


his breath held tremors, pursed lips parting to speak, "i think i need to leave daniel."

-this is short oops but i'm going to a sandy spot today✨

-plus im goin home tomorrow so i should have more time to write then

-ilya! thankyou for 1k votes🥺

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