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jenna had been even more irritated when daniel stopped into a gas station to grab an energy drink, and when she began to talk his ear off as he sat back in the car he only rolled his eyes. my god, woman, if you only knew the war i've just partaken in.

he sipped from the tall can, not really tuning in on the conversation until a hand was waved in front of his face.

"okay, yeah, i get it. i'm not listening, but if you dare do that again i'm going to cause a fucking accident. i'd rather not, by the way." he snarled, tone shrinking in volume as he breathed in at the end.

jenna sat back, shaking her head in a mocking manner. "i'm not listening, blah blah." her tone was high pitched, and daniel scoffed lightly at that. she really can't take no for an answer, huh?

the car ride remained silent besides her shuffling to swap footwear, tossing sneakers into the backseat. daniel sighed as he pulled up to the house, eyes flickering about the colourful lights staining the front.

"what? you gonna stare at the house like it's the love of your life or something? get a move on, seavey, we're already late." jenna left the car, leaving a prompt slam of the door as daniel swallowed with a small scratch at his neck. he ensured the sleeves of his shirt weren't scrunched up his forearm before grabbing the door handle.

"i'm coming, hold your horses."

the duo had finally found jack, zach, and jonah, who'd been standing in the kitchen as jonah poured someone's cup.

"listen, zach. not too much, your mother will murder me."

jack's eyes landed on daniel immediately, grinning as his hand reached out for their signature hand shake. "hey, d, glad you could make it."

daniel nodded at that, forcing a smile as jenna planted a kiss on his cheek and walked around him over to the cooler.

"how've you been?" jack asked, watching as zach began to pry at jonah for just a little more alcohol, both of them not noticing the new people in the room.

daniel shrugged, a bitter smile on his face. "worse then you last saw, that's for sure." he took a swig of the energy drink at hand, shrugging at jack. "thanks for letting me come, though, and bring jenna."

jack glanced over at jenna, who'd been heading back over with two drinks in hand.

"i think you should loosen up, seavey. might do you good." she took the energy drink from his hands and replaced it with a beer. he glanced at the bottle with a hidden grimace. if i get a hangover i'll feel dead by dawn.

without a word of protest she turned around and tossed daniel's previous drink in the trash, to which daniel gave a look to jack, who frowned at the obvious emotion.


the brunet's attention was brought to zach and jonah, seeing the youngest take a sip from his solo cup. "what're you doing here?"

"i was invited," daniel's head tilted as a greeting. he laid the beer on the countertop, hand tucking into his pocket as the other was taken by jenna to wrap around her waist. "also appears to be an open house, so."

jonah's brows furrowed. "did they leave the door open..?" he glanced back to jenna. "hey, jen, can you go shut the main entrance for me?"

the female nodded and easily slipped from daniel, allowing both hands to sink into the denim as jonah looked him up and down. "so, how's the relationship? schoolwork? feels like we haven't seen you in ages."

there was spite and curiosity in his words, and daniel bit the inside of his cheek. "well, one, we're just friends. two, all over the floor of my room. what about you, jo? how are you?"

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