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daniel was mainly silent as the other three conversed, practically replaying the entire night. there were few comments left on the actual movie, majority of the words were simply about how ashley was easy to get along with and how they'd wished they got to know more about corbyn.

well, apparently he's an angel, daniel thought. his eyes wandered off to the window, watching street lights pass his vision as background noise began to fade.

will i ever see him again?

daniel felt bad, it was blatantly obvious that corbyn's sleep was deteriorating. the bags under his eyes were noticeable to daniel, he'd practically stared at him the whole night. corbyn seemed so quiet, when they'd first met daniel expected him to be more outgoing with people. guess not...

"you good, daniel?"

the brunet slowly lifted his head, eyes blinking to recognize the voice as zach's hand clamped onto the shoulder of his seat. daniel took passenger this time, he wasn't in much of a talkative mood this evening.

"hm? oh— yeah, yeah. just tired." his hand raised to rub his eyes, making the act believable before zach's palm met his shoulder with a nod.

for the rest of the drive, daniel was propped against the window, close to dozing off. although, he was the last picked up, which meant he was also the first to leave.

after bidding multiple "goodnight's" to the boys, daniel closed the car door with a nod and stepped up to the doors of his house.

with the flooding light of his entrance, daniel blinked at the newfound energy. he'd been half asleep a few minutes ago. the brunet made his way into the kitchen, forgetting to remove his shoes as his mind ordered him to reach for a bowl.

daniel, although having had popcorn in the last hour, wanted cereal. he poured up his regular choice, froot loops, before heading upstairs.

when heading upstairs, his mind was blank, it had practically been empty since he woke up. that was, until, the brunet opened his bedroom door to have a loud bash in response, flicking on the light switch.

corbyn had gotten startled and jumped at the sound of the door and the light that flooded, beating his head off the bed frame as he crawled backward and flipped over.

daniel was stood, plain and simple, bright eyes wide and staring down at corbyn as he dropped his spoon into the bowl. the food in his mouth was the only thing heard as corbyn backed into the nightstand.

for daniel, well, the moment was only just getting to him. as he swallowed he'd remembered the very words heard and said from a week ago, and although his mind almost wanted to kick corbyn out he knew it was better to try.

why should i be so boggled over an angel?

daniel laid down his bowl, watching corbyn's body coil as the blond didn't dare to blink. he looked at daniel as if he were about to be murdered. to daniel, well, corbyn looked as fragile as a snowflake, which he had no intentions of melting.

he barely looked at me until now, and this is what i get?


i deserve it.

daniel cleared his throat, wiping his mouth from any milk as he reached out a hand. the room was quiet, you could almost hear anna on call with her friends from down the hall.

corbyn's hood cast more shadows upon his face in the lighting, the blond didn't need to be studied, daniel knew of the darkened circles around his eyes and the chapped lips that didn't eat much tonight. he could see when corbyn wiped his eyes in secret conversations with ashley, daniel knew about a lot of things.

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