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corbyn once again kicked off his shoes, leaving them in the porch and heading up to his room since he and daniel had wasted numerous hours away and it was growing late.

jordan's room provided background noise for the entire house, the sounds of sudden gunshots frightening corbyn as he jumped back into the siding of the stairs, soon hearing the groan of a zombie where his brother followed it with a scream of, 'that's right! you won't bite me today!"

not even bothering to check on ashley, he simply slipped past his door and changed into even looser clothing, a different sweater of daniel's over his head after pyjama pants covered his legs. (the previous one didn't have wing slots, so he folded it up and prepared to give it back to the brunet boy.)

he wasn't exactly in the mood for drawing, but took out the sketchbook nonetheless, shifting in the chair and pulling his legs up as his wings spanned out. corbyn stretched for a second, allowing the feathered limbs to flap as his back arched and his arms reached out, hearing a few cracks from his joints.

remembering the park from earlier today, his attention was quickly drawn to the paper. his skin picked up graphite, smudging some areas with no true care. it was messy, fun, and he took his time as it went on, enjoying the act.

saskia ended up popping in a little while after corbyn started sketching, delivering a hug and a kiss as she'd just arrived home from work. yes, she worked at a day care but she often insisted on helping the janitor clean up after the kids, so she'd stay an extra hour or two most days. she mentioned how she had the next two days off, corbyn catching some parts of her words and piecing them together that she wouldn't be going on the field trip with the kids.

roughly an hour later, corbyn had the ground and trees drawn out with the thought of writing instead, a small blurb of his day, perhaps. he moved to a blank spot on the page, just above a tree where said couple sat earlier. it's almost like a pretty journal.

he smiled, writing on and on about the people that were in their surroundings, the pretty flower bushes and the green grass. (don't even get him started on the dogs.)

however, the entry was erased as soon as he stumbled upon having to describe the couple, brows knitting as he could see the outlined duo beneath the tree. they were practically the focal point, and his hand moved to write just beneath a branch.

you're stuck with me forever, right?
until we're old and grey

he dropped the pencil, spinning a little in the computer chair. his hands raised and he pinched at the fabric of the sweater coating his chest as he looked down at it. i don't think i can be here forever...

corbyn swallowed, feeling his heart drop. i can't change, i'm going to be nineteen until the end of time... it's basically illegal to kiss an eighty year old.

his face scrunched up at the thought of that, frown evident as he looked at the poorly shaded scribbling of his paper. the drawing wasn't done, of course, but he didn't like how it was turning out now.

the guardian released a sigh, shaking his head. i don't want this right now, no, not at all. his head fell onto his hands, eyes squeezing shut. i like daniel, daniel likes me, why do i feel the need to put myself through that?

corbyn was startled by the sudden buzz, feeling vibrations hit his elbow as his phone was in silent mode. he jolted, eyes snapping open to glance at the illuminated screen.

are you up for another date tomorrow evening?

with the simple press of a button he was able to see daniel, vision met by a seemingly tired brunet, eyes partially lidded as he was curled up on one side of the bed. his cheek was dented in, assumably having pulled in the flesh to gnaw at it as his phone screen gave gentle light for corbyn to notice these things.

my angel🕊
are we goin somewhere¿

that's for me to know and you to find out (;

corbyn huffed at that, turning off the desk as he saw daniel set his phone down and raise off the bed. he pushed away from the work surface, rolling with the computer chair as he reached the side of his bed, crawling up onto it.

just as he began to settle into the blankets his phone sent a sequence of buzzes to his palm, almost dropping from his hands.

we're going somewhere
dress fancy ish
or dont
whatever's comfy for you

corbyn smiled at that, shuffling beneath the blankets as he pulled it over his shoulder, relishing the warmth and thanking that his wings weren't peaking out from the side of the bed.

my angel🕊
like suit or just spidfy

doesnt matter (:
goodnight love
i'll see you tomorrow 🤍

my angel🕊
gnight dani <3
i love you

-i know this was a lil boring but
hopefully the next chapter(s¿) are
gonna make up for it (:

-i got sunburnt but it's worth it cause i saved a dragonfly😌✨

-have a good day/night everybody! ily! <3!!

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