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when they arrived home both males had to change their clothes, the rain only became worse as they left the graveyard, and corbyn only wanted to stay close to daniel.

the blond was tired and sorrowful, slumping up the stairs to daniel's house, the blue eyed male wasn't wrong when telling corbyn that his family wasn't home often.

"sweater, right?"

corbyn only nodded, feeling sympathy that daniel continued to care for him. i'm a monster, by rights i shouldn't even be here, in his home. what if it happened again?

daniel disappeared from the room with the sweater, corbyn wanted to call out, assuming that he was going to cut holes in it like the last one. he didn't feel like speaking, though, so it was a silent movement.

corbyn only felt as if his body was weak and heavy, not wanting to move, nothing, it was just two stupid depressed boys hanging out together. thinking of it that way gave the smallest smile, but it wasn't much.

daniel entered the room, picking out sweatpants just like last time. even though he was unsure if they'd be given back, he didn't care much, it was corbyn.

when the articles were given to corbyn, he'd reluctantly got up to change. the bathroom was the same, he could only remember seeing daniel's hand clamped over his forearm just a month ago.

he peeled the wet clothes from his body, quickly changing into daniel's as he knocked on the door to daniel's room. when glancing in the mirror, he could see the slits daniel made once again, huffing.

although freeing his wings anyway, when he was given the clear that daniel was decent he handed over the previous clothes with a makeshift face of anger.

"you're ruining your clothes for me." his wings gave a minimal flap, similar to the stomp of a foot as daniel couldn't help but hide his grin.

"i don't mind, corbyn, i want you to be comfortable."

he tossed the clothes into his hamper, shrugging as he took corbyn's hand and sat on the bedside. corbyn, still standing, brought his other hand to meet daniel's as well, finally having to tilt his head to meet daniel's eyes.

"what do you want to do?" daniel inquired, he knew corbyn has been through the ringer, and he couldn't imagine how horrible he could be feeling if daniel was only feeling a fraction of it earlier this morning.

his eyes caught sight of how corbyn's wings spanned, stretching before the blond himself wearily glanced around and folded them once again. "i don't know, really..."

daniel's initial thought was to pull himself further onto the bed, laying back and tugging corbyn with him.

so that's what he did.

corbyn's hands flew out instinctively as his stomach crossed daniel's abdomen, face warming from the proximity of them both as he lifted his head to give small glares to daniel.

"could've warned me, dummy." he huffed, breathing out lazily as his chin met daniel's hip.

"well you're supposed to move up more," he shook his head, fingers brushing corbyn's waist as corbyn jolted in the opposite direction.

"no tickling! i'm moving, i'm moving..."

with another huff his chin now met daniel's chest, feeling how the brunet's hands bunched up the oversized sweater. corbyn's body coated with goosebumps as his fingers brushed along the lower back, not daring to meet daniel's eyes.

the blond moved his head, nuzzling it into the fabric of daniel's shirt as he could only feel daniel's hands move higher.

daniel, on the other hand, was studying corbyn intently with fear of harming him at all.

"...it's too vulnerable on my end, they get to feel me up and i wouldn't really have a say if i scheduled an appointment."

"tell me if you're uncomfortable, okay?"

corbyn nodded, not wanting to lift his head as he could feel his face heating greatly. daniel's hand met the base of corbyn's wings, watching them ruffle and arch as the blond's body tensed.

after that, though, corbyn practically melted on top of daniel's body. all the horrid thoughts of his past and how bad of a person he was dissipated, daniel filled his mind.

"good or bad?" daniel's brow quirked, applying the smallest bit of pressure against the base of corbyn's wing as corbyn's jaw could've fallen open.

"good— good..." he stammered, head tilting to the side as he glanced around daniel's room. daniel continued, content with corbyn's relaxed person.

up around corbyn's shoulder and the middle of his back was a patch of skin softer than the rest, the edge tapered as daniel could only guess it to be a burn scar. his thumb ran across the edge carefully, silent thanks that corbyn was now okay.

upon feeling this, corbyn remembered daniel's wrist. in his mind he figured daniel had known well just what his finger traced along, so he lifted his head and tapped daniel's shoulder.

"everything okay?" daniel's hand stilled completely, corbyn nodded, though, and he met daniel's eyes.


daniel continued to trace, gently, feeling corbyn tap his right shoulder again as his head tilted. "what's up, corbs?"



are we on that basis?

corbyn's mind almost blanked, but he tugged on the sleeve again and daniel pulled his arm away from the lower back. although disappointed by the loss of warmth, he propped daniel's arm at an odd position and tugged his sleeve down the slightest, thumb running over the scar. i'm sorry, daniel. i hurt you too.

without expressing the wave of sadness, he released daniel's hand again and his hands raised to pull himself up farther on daniel's chest, nose meeting the collar bone of daniel while the quiet scent of cologne was identified.

daniel's hand was placed back on corbyn's waist, circling slowly. the blond hadn't said anything, "you okay?"

corbyn nodded, smiling small as his hair tickled daniel's neck, daniel's jaw angeled, corbyn's head lifted in confusion.

"what's up?" he was a little panicked, thinking he'd made daniel uncomfortable until daniel released an airy laugh.

"your hair tickled me."

corbyn sighed out, fist gently beating onto his chest as he rolled his eyes playfully. "you almost gave me a heart attack, seavey. just deal with it."

his head ducked again, resting contently as daniel's hands moved to the base of corbyn's wings, applying little pressure as corbyn's wings flapped with a particular touch.

daniel could feel corbyn's breath against his neck, lips and teeth grazing it as corbyn snarled with a giggle following. "hey! no fair! that tickles!"

he writhed for a moment, lifting his head again to find daniel's daring eyes.

"just deal with it," he mocked, face in pure amusement as corbyn couldn't fight his smile.

-thought yall deserved some fluff
since the last few chapters
were a little sad

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