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⚠️trigger warning! attempt of overdose!⚠️

corbyn sighed, sitting at the desk in his room as he peered down at daniel, phone beside him.

he figured daniel was stupid, to say the least, but hated using the word because the boy simply hadn't given corbyn a chance. it had only been a week or so, and daniel was left to his lonesome again.

if it were to have worked out okay, corbyn would have mentioned that he could see daniel at any given moment, know what he was doing, thinking, writing— he had the capabilities to do so. however, daniel shooed him from the seavey household. so, while the brunet planned another suicide corbyn waited with his phone to call the emergencies.

corbyn's bit his lip, nerves beginning to increase at the thought that he couldn't help his pupil. what if he didn't do it correct? what if he kills daniel?

the thought came to his mind that daniel was certain of this, and since he'd tried it not long ago corbyn believed that he wouldn't be fearful of this. his mind began to get to him, taunting him on how horrible he was at being a guardian, and that's when he'd grabbed the phone with a slam of his hand.

his fingers pressed in three buttons, nine, one, and a second one, biting his lip while his knee began to bounce rapidly in fear that they wouldn't pick up.

"hi— my name is corbyn besson, my— i think my friend is trying to overdose. i'm too far away to get there in time and talk him out of it— he lives..."

corbyn told them basic information immediately, watching in a chilled sweat as daniel popped a pill into his mouth. the operator thanked him for calling about it, even if he couldn't get there, and they ended the call.

the blond stood from his chair, gripping the sides of his desk as his wings flapped greatly, hair began to stick to his forehead. he was far too nervous about this, but knew if he'd went down to daniel there was a possibility that he'd be hated even more.

his heart stopped in anticipation when he watched daniel portray a pained expression, continuing to drop more pills into his mouth. thankfully, he'd been doing a few at a time, not an entire handful at once. he could hear the sirens, and corbyn shed himself of his sweatshirt. he'd found it far too warm, lip bitten to a bleeding and knuckles turning white from his strong grip on the desk siding. no matter how much pain he'd been in his eyes never left daniel, the curled body on his bathroom floor.

the blond's body was trembling, watching paramedics hurrying to removed him from the house. daniel was home alone again, so there was nobody to block their path. he was pushed into the ambulance quickly, and driven away.

yes— much more had happened— but corbyn was focused on simply getting daniel into the vehicle. when he'd had the sight of the ambulance, and the few people shuffling around and hooking daniel up to so many things, he fell to the floor.

the sting of his hands finally pulsed, and corbyn pulled his knees to his chest and let his head plummet to them, pursing his lips with warmed tears as he'd tasted the blood of his lips.

his wings wrapped around his figure, a quivered breath leaving his
lips before his shoulders began to jerk. saskia, corbyn's mother, gently opened his door from the sound. at the sight of her poor son she'd carefully stepped over, kneeling before him and peeling his wings back.

corbyn's head lifted, and he sniffled at the sight of his mother. "momma?" he croaked, and she opened her arms as corbyn rushed toward her, clinging for dear life with a sob escaping his lips.

"momma— wh-what if they don't save him in time? what i-if he dies because i—"

corbyn gripped fistfuls of his mother's shirt, and she began to shush him from his outburst.
"you called at the right time, honey, they're going to do the best they can for daniel."

saskia's heart ached for her oldest, knowing he'd been in great pain from his pupil, and it was all crumbling from his hands at once. her hands gently rubbed corbyn's back and wings, feeling her son's heartbeat with a saddened sigh.

"don't work yourself up too much, corbyn, you'll be sick."

corbyn whimpered, curling up more to his mother with sniffles and a bitten lip. although his mind raced his mother's loving touch slowly calmed him.

"you're sure he's going to be okay?"

saskia looked at her son, who'd lifted his head and wiped his eyes before piercing his stare into his mother.

she sighed, a hand reaching up to his hair and gently carding through the locks. "i can't be sure of that, corbyn, but since you called on time they're going to have a better chance then if you'd called later."

corbyn nodded slowly, standing and reaching his arms out to help his mother up. she pulled him into another hug, "i'm sorry, momma."

"it's alright, honey, you're new to this, and you're doing great so far."

"but if i could've—"

"corbyn. things all happen for a reason, what happened years ago was an accident. but now look, you're saving someone, like you've been chosen to do. that all happened so you could save daniel today."

corbyn nodded, silently agreeing with his mothers saying. she'd told it to him many times before, and although it made sense, he still blamed himself each day.

"thank you, momma," corbyn kissed her cheek, "i think i'm gonna go get a shower."

saskia nodded, kissing corbyn's forehead before exiting the room once again.

corbyn leaned over his desk once again, hands reaching for the sides of it and gently running his fingers across the sharp edge. he'd been thankful his hands weren't cut from the pressure applied earlier, and carefully looked down to see daniel's whereabouts.

an 'emergency room' sign plastered onto a door caused for corbyn to step back, pushing in his desk chair and reluctantly heading for the bathroom. he didn't want to see the
procedure performed on daniel, fearing it may get him nauseous, so he simply twisted the knob of his shower, and stepped in.

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