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daniel was kept in the hospice room for an extra twenty-four hours so the doctors could keep an eye on him as he'd been experiencing exhaustion from the procedure. so on, he was placed in the psych ward for the testing of his depression and the debate on how long he should stay; which was settled for a week and a half.

the seavey family was unable to visit him after being transferred, but were very excited to see him leave the hospital so soon, especially for his condition beforehand.

daniel was somewhat relieved to be home, as soon as he'd stepped foot inside of the house he'd felt a sense of familiarity washing over him. he'd stood for a moment, luggage by his feet while looking around the mundane household.

his mother, keri, placed a hand on his shoulder. "you want me to start supper soon?"

daniel nodded, giving a forced smile to his mom and kissing her cheek to forward the act. "am i allowed in my room without some guard watching over me?" he joked, and his mother gave a short, saddened smile. she seemed hesitant, but looked her son in the eyes.

"you can go up, but i'll be up every so often to check in on you." keri wrapped her arms around daniel, sighing into his shoulder. "we want you to be okay, daniel, we love you. we all want to be here for you."

daniel nodded, a blank expression painted over his face at his mother's words. you aren't home often; how could you be here for me?

nevertheless, daniel picked up his luggage and parted ways with his mother. he sighed contently when pushing open his bedroom door, closing it shut behind him and setting his luggage beside the desk.


the brunet jumped, turning to face his desk as he'd found a blond sat on his bed. the white clothing adorning the stranger gave an easy hint to who it'd been.

"oh my god— you're okay, i didn't know if you'd survive."

corbyn ran up, engulfing daniel in a hug and letting free of a held breath. he was pleased to see that daniel had left the psych ward so early, but when he hadn't felt any movement from the other, he lifted his head.


the one word held a heavy emotion in it, and corbyn stepped back. daniel's eyes met his and sudden hands clasped onto corbyn's shoulders.

"you're the one who saved me the first time, and i'm guessing you're a saviour again, huh?"

corbyn was frozen, eyes meeting the growing flame in daniel's irises. the boy seemed calm on the outside, and he tilted his head down at corbyn.

"what makes you think you have the right to save me, blondie? what made you so special that you had to come and ruin my parade?"

"i—uh. i was trained to save people when i went to heaven, and was assigned the task of saving you..."

"so you're saying you weren't always an angel, hm?"

corbyn swallowed, tearing his eyes away from daniel. he didn't want to think about it; not now.

"no, you weren't; it's quite easy to tell," in a quick movement daniel's hands clutched balls of corbyn's sweater, hauling him close as they were forced to meet face to face. "let me guess, you killed yourself, saw your family all the way down here and felt sorry— right? so you want to save me so i don't go through that same pain, don't you, blondie."

corbyn's eyes squeezed shut, feeling daniel's breath pass over his face. his mind was clouded over of the horrid thoughts, swallowing thickly when daniel continued.

"what? i hit the rough spot— did i? your precious little family walks down here, sulking around without you. so why are you here, wasting my time, when you could be with them? hm?"

corbyn could feel tears welling to his eyes, waterline brimming as he dared to meet the brunet's angered ones.

"tell me, blondie. why are you bothering me, ruining the past few weeks of my life when you could be off nagging one of your beloved family members?"

corbyn squirmed, falling back onto the floor at the hateful words of his person. his head shook, and he reached a sleeve up to wipe his eyes. daniel's eyes never left the blond on the floor, a pitiful feeling chilling his body as corbyn stood.

"i don't understand it..." the blond sniffled, meeting daniel's eyes with overflowed waterlines. "you have such negativity toward this world that you take it out on other people. your family loves you, daniel, they may be busy from time to time but you still have them; they want you here, you have people who care so much for you to keep your feet on the ground of this earth and you wont even try. i get it, you're dealing with depression, i know all about it; but consider the people in your surroundings for a moment... do you think i don't care? do you, daniel? because let me tell you— the amount of panic built into my body seeing you down those pills could've drowned me if i wasn't already dead. the anticipation of watching you in the psych ward, seeing how worn and tired you were in the hospital bed— i care, daniel! i care about you, so, so much. me, anna, your mom and dad— even your friends! we're all here to comfort and support you but you only care for yourself. you, daniel seavey, are too ignorant to realize how the people around you are being affected by your actions. we could be suffering the same amount as you, but it's your world, isn't it?" corbyn swallowed, allowing all of the words to spill off his lips as he wiped his eyes roughly. "goodbye, daniel. i'll see you around."

the guardian climbed through daniel's window in a heartbeat, the brunet hearing multiple thumps before a silence.

in fear that the boy had fallen, he ran over to the window. to his surprise a white feather was blown in through, nobody left on the ground below.

-i know they have beef but i promise
it won't be permanent
this is only to get the story rolling

-hope y'all are enjoying it though (:

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