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for being a guardian angel, supposedly protective and strong, corbyn was quite the opposite.

when having to get down from the roof at some random time past midnight, he'd nearly fallen into the seavey's back yard, where a light would turn on due to a motion sensor. (daniel had to help him much more than expected)

daniel ended up completing his entry later then planned, but he didn't regret corbyn knocking at the window.

update: 1:07 am

corbyn came over again, i couldn't complete the last part of this entry but i don't really have a comment on it now. we stargazed.
he seems really quiet, like, always
i can't tell if it's bad or not.
i don't know if i was too touchy tonight either but i'm trying to make him more comfortable with me. there's just something off about him, and i wanna know what it is but it's tough since we've only now become friendly to each other.
it's kind of weird, honestly, how i want to be so close to him but just a week ago i didn't want to ever see him again.
i just want him not to feel so scared of me
i don't want to be some antagonist in his story
i want to be his friend.

daniel finally rid himself of the unbuttoned longsleeve, plaid rolling off his arms as he stretched afterward. it was getting late, he was feeling tired with the absence of corbyn's energy and overall his mind was clogged with the same question.

how do i get him to like me without having him be so uncomfortable?

"oh my god, you can never do anything right, huh corbyn?"

the blond stepped back from the oven, feeling as if his heart dropped to his toes. jordan knew his weaknesses, and he'd practically pinpointed the worst when guilt tripping corbyn into cooking.

of course corbyn messed it up, his wing hit the pan and the food fell to the floor. jordan was already having a bad day, and corbyn's clumsiness rotted him.

"just go to mom or ashley, seems like the only thing you can do."

corbyn waited a moment, feeling his heart ache and yearn with the want to help and rewind the entire moment just so he didn't hit the pan.

the stronger of both brothers stood tall and intimidating, gaze hard and burning through corbyn's body. "i know what's going through your head and i hope you know damn well that you messed this up and i'm not having you do it again. go off somewhere, cry to the girls."

corbyn only nodded, swallowing as he could feel the sting of his eyes from his waterline filling. he stepped back before running upstairs, hearing jordan scoff in the distance as he saw the door to his bedroom.
the blond closed the door behind him quickly, pressing his back to the door as his knees were pulled to his chest. his breath was wavering and uneven, sniffling as he could begin to feel tears overflow and tuble down his cheeks. i'm so weak... pathetic...

no matter how bad he wished to see ashley or saskia, his mother was gone to work and he didn't want to call ashley because seeing either of them would prove jordan right. corbyn was okay, he's perfectly fine.

(he wasn't fine, it's quite easy to tell.)

daniel noticed as soon as his head turned to find corbyn struggling to open the window, pulling it open just a bit before he'd given up. the young male had a hood over his head, hiding his features as he sat criss-cross on the ledge.

"hey, corbyn, what's up?" daniel opened the window more, meeting the dejected face of his guardian.

"got bored at home..."

his tone was monotonous, eyes droopy as his arm lifted to 'discreetly' wipe his nose. his cheeks were tinted a rosy pink, including the tip of his nose due to irritation.

"do you want to come in? i just finished breakfast, but i can make you something." daniel's heart sunk as he could tell corbyn was troubled, not wanting to bother the brunet although daniel was his last resort.

"can we go to the bridge?"

corbyn completely ignored the food, face scrunching as he could hear the clatter of the pan in his mind. he wanted an escape, and if daniel could ramble on about a bridge he'd take it any day rather than the overwhelming toxic thoughts infecting his brain.

daniel didn't expect such a forward answer, shrugging with a nod as he grabbed a jacket from the closet. "yeah, yeah sure."

the walk to the bridge was somewhat short, daniel didn't take his bike because he knew corbyn didn't have one and he truly didn't know the boundaries of the broken angel walking beside him. "sleep well?" he asked, attempting to spark conversation in the quiet of singing birds.

"i stayed up for a bit, the shower was warm and it like— pressured the bad parts in my back— if that makes sense..." corbyn's gaze flickered to the clouds above, pleased with how the earth looked in this moment. daniel lived in a very pretty place.

"so, your wings cramp your back, right? when they're like, in?" the brunet's body was somewhat tilted toward corbyn, watching the blond nod as his gaze met daniel's.

"yeah, massages apparently help but i don't wanna ask my family and i don't want any masseuse to look at my body. it's too vulnerable on my end, they get to feel me up and i wouldn't really have a say if i scheduled an appointment."

daniel frowned a little at that, feeling bad for the saddened angel. he was somewhat hopeful though, that he could take corbyn's mind off of whatever was bothering him. if corbyn saved daniel's life, the least he could do is try and make him happy.

the brunet hummed, "i mean, whenever we're in my room you can have them out, i don't mind."

corbyn's lips tugged the tiniest bit upward, head tipping to look at his feet as the short smile vanished. "i'm a little clumsy, i don't wanna hit anything..."

daniel scoffed, "the worst you could do is knock something off the wall, there's no trouble, corbyn."

corbyn nibbled on his lip, remembering how 'breakfast' had gone for him as he glanced over to daniel, seeing how the brunet already had his view directed at corbyn.

"i hit a pan earlier, my brother got mad."

it was a dull statement, no display of how hurt corbyn was for jordan to think he was useless, or how he was viewed weak for going to people when he was upset.

that's what i'm doing now... proving his dumb point.

daniel's brows furrowed, "that's only a pan, simple, why would he be mad?"

corbyn's mouth opened, closing once more to swallow as he gave a sad smile to the ground. "he wanted my help with breakfast, i'm not great with ovens or anything. i was kinda, fidgety, and i hit the pan off the oven. he said some rude things, a-and now i'm here... looking for some escape..."

the blond masked his emotion quick, breathing in before his eyes widened a little. i'm talking all about myself, he must be annoyed... god!

he didn't know how to apologize for the blurb, keeping quiet as daniel kept a short silence.

corbyn's hand was grabbed abruptly, daniel taking off as he had to fasten the pace of his feet. he squeaked at the suddenness, keeping up with the brunet. "what are you doing?!"

daniel smiled at the surprise in corbyn's voice. "you want an escape, i'm taking you to mine!"

-i didn't write much yesterday or today
please forgive me 🤧

-also i got just dance unlimited for free
my legs are in pain 😌

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