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daniel's eyes opened to bright lights, squinting with a quiet groan as he swallowed dryly. there was a consistent beeping in his ears, worsening the pain of his head. daniel's hands reached out and felt the sides of the bed, not having been awake for long and he was already irritated.

he was in the hospital.

the doors barged open, daniel blinked slowly as his eyesight adjusted.

"oh, mr.seavey, you're awake."

daniel huffed through his nose, licking dried lips as he'd met the eyes of the woman who walked in. she laid her clipboard down before continuing.

"i'm here to check your blood pressure, and when i'm done i'll call in the doctor to answer some of your questions, okay?"

daniel nodded, even if his throat was dry if he had the chance to talk he probably wouldn't. he understood that it was the job of nurses and doctors to save people's lives, but daniel was confused as to how he survived an overdose.

the brunet had it timed perfectly, his family was out and he claimed a stomach bug to stay home. he hadn't seen the strange blond since a week ago, and figured it was simply some type of hallucination. if it was only me home, how could i survive an overdose? nobody knew i was doing it.

daniel gave hums and nods to the nurse when she asked a few questions on his health, and she looked down at her papers. "so, you've undergone a gastric suction, are there any pains in your chest or have you had any symptoms of a fever?"

daniel furrowed his brows. "i have a headache at the moment, otherwise i think i'm fine. but, what happened?"

she scribbled a few things down and lifted her head. "you've had your stomach pumped, i'll be back with some water and tell the doctor that you're awake."

daniel nodded as she excused herself, mindlessly looking around the room. he just wanted to know why he was in the hospital so he could go back home. for all he knew, he should've been six feet below at the moment.

"ah, mr.seavey—"

"can you call me daniel?"

the doctor nodded, "yes, daniel, the nurse says your blood pressure is well and she'll be back with some supplies shortly. i assume you'd like to know what happened, hm?"

daniel nodded, boring his eyes into the doctor affront him. he wanted answers.

"we were given a call at eight yesterday evening, one of your friend's called, saying they were too far away from your location to try and stop you and told us your address and everything. he gave us all the proper information, we didn't have to ask much." the doctor shrugged, sitting down in a chair nearby and looking over the papers. "due to this behaviour and the examination of the scar on your arm, we may have to put you on anti-depressants."

daniel blinked, staring at the door ahead. his mind was jumbled. nobody knows i have a journal. not my friends, at least.

"do you know who called?"

daniel's voice was rasped, and he settled his hands into his lap. his fingers toyed at the thin blanket covering his body, mind racing as he tried to remember any moment his friends or family could've found his journal. if it was a family member, they wouldn't have left. if it was a friend, they could've read it, but daniel doesn't have his friends over often.

his head turned, looking at the doctor as the man mumbled lines from another page of the clipboard. although daniel was growing impatient, he knew better than to get angry at a doctor.

"hm— sorry, daniel, the information wasn't printed here."

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