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the evening of yesterday, for daniel, ended in a somewhat-polite rejection from a sweaty jenna, who claimed she was willing to be with him for sex and sex only.

like a friend's with benefits type thing.

and of course, daniel said sure, not really knowing how to reject a rejection. although, it was quite tangly for him from the awkwardness revolving their new relation.

he didn't want just sex, but it would have to do.

that morning his bones were heavy, skin glued to the bedsheets as his eyes left a tired, defeated glare toward the ceiling.

the last time he felt like this corbyn came by, got him up out of bed. daniel's heart clenched at the memory of how pained corbyn was, both of them simply being broken souls, mending together.

daniel's mind was both empty and swarming, knowing he had no motivation to go to school today yet finding that he was too tired to reach for his phone.

the door to his room barged open, and he figured it was anna or his parents, not really caring about the stance.

his arms were splayed above his head, resting on the pillow as his body was simply still. his chest was bare, of course, and sweatpants hung low on his lips from the long night before.

"you need a new key spot."

his eyes were directed to the female beside him, who dropped the spare key onto his chest and noticeably checked him out. she swallowed, bag being tossed to the floor before straddling him. "expecting me, seavey?"

daniel didn't want to deal with this, he didn't understand how she could be horny at all hours. "no, not really." he mumbled, lips barely parted as she leaned down to hover over him.

the zipper of her jacket hit daniel's skin, and his tired, almost dead eyes met her own lively, hungered ones. "oh come on, you seem so ready..." her hips gyrated, and daniel made a face of disgust, too quick for him to hide, took her hips and stilled all movement.

although it was a clear sign, she seemed to admire his strong grip, practically drooling at the veins in his hands. her hands splayed across his chest, and she was about to lean in for a kiss.

"i'm not up for it, jenna, sorry." he pressed his head back into the pillows, moving away from her as she sat back, looking offended almost.

it seemed that she didn't know how to deflate the situation in any other way but to increase their tension, legs fixing as she stood back beside the bed, picking up her bag. "well, are you gonna get up and take me or what?"

daniel swallowed, beginning to get fed up with her annoying attitude this early. "i'm not going, you'll have to walk or find another ride."

he could hear her foot stomp angrily, almost wanting to grin at the stupidity of how much she was relying on him. "are you kidding? give me your keys, i'll bring them back after."

daniel shook his head at that, looking back up to the ceiling. "no can do, my parents take them after i get home. grounded."

her jaw dropped in a scoff, an incredulous glare sent his way before her clanky shoes marched out of the room. "have a good day, daniel." she huffed, practically slamming the door and continuing the same until she exited the house.

daniel released a quiet laugh, the amused grin leaving his face as his hands clasped together at his chest. corbyn would know what to do. he knows how i'm feeling.

daniel, completely conflicted by the emotions that swung at him left and right, sat up with a grimace at the words leaving his mouth. "corbyn?"

"corbyn, are you there?"

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