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the rest of jonah's sleepover clocked up to them rehearsing, which brings us to here, where daniel's feet rolled back and forth from ball to heel. he kept steady rhythm of his lines, nerves trampling his veins as more people were brought into the teacher's office, counting down the 'performances' to their group.

"you guys remember your lines right?"

they gave little reassurance, daniel hoping he could distract himself. if corbyn were here he'd easily catch my attention.

daniel blinked, hearing a collection of names draft into the room as few classmate's glanced over to the bumbling three, jack tapping the brunet's shoulder.

"we're up."

he nodded, a small, forced smile sent as if he was ready for the act about to unfold. thankfully, the office was big enough to fit them all, their professor sat at her desk.

mrs. anderson gave them a nod, giving daniel a moment to re-tune the guitar and telling them to start whenever they were comfortable. a look passed between all four, daniel's heart raised in his chest as he muttered a countdown.

as soon as the strums began to float into the office there wasn't much of a gap to retreat, hearing jonah start them with the first verse.

daniel's fingers seemed idle, strumming as his mind seemed to fade in and out, somewhat focused on the current task however completely focused on corbyn. the lyrics were sewn in detail, describing so much that daniel himself couldn't put to paper on his own.

i've said those words before but it was a lie, and you deserve to hear them a thousand times.

daniel lips hasped, breath passing through his nose. you really do, angel.

the harmony raised in, gaze crossing over everybody in the room as daniel couldn't care for mrs. anderson's look of impression. all he cared for was corbyn.

every line that fell in a melody gave daniel memories of the park, the date, the bridge, exhale wavering while zach followed his verse.

towards the end daniel's voice was supposed to break past the others, being a little more prominent. instead, it simply broke, and he swallowed as his head lowered, jonah taking the lead instead. fuck.

the final strum, after a moment of quiet ambience from the general classroom, was shortly accompanied by a muttered apology from daniel. i probably fucked it all up.

"sorry about that..."

zach patted his shoulder, thumb rubbing over it. "we did awesome, c'mon, a little voice crack shouldn't hurt anything."

"he's right, i barely noticed. did you boys write this yourselves?" mrs. anderson seemed quite intrigued, leaning up a little to look at them.

jack was quick to point, "daniel started it."

the brunet's hands raised in some type of defense, "we all did it, not just me."

their professor was amused by the banter, scribbling more onto their paper. "i'm impressed, really, this may've been the best performance from your class. to top it off, you wrote it all on your own, this should boost your mark if needed."

jonah leaned out, taking the small stack of papers and handing them all by name, a short celebration given at the obvious 100% inked on each.

"we did it!"

daniel excused himself for the bathroom, standing in the hallway as he leaned against the wall, sliding down the side of the surprisingly empty hallway. his phone fumbled in his hand, quick to open the messenger app.

i miss you
read 1:43 pm


i love you
message not delivered

daniel could feel the complete difference now. only minutes ago his heart was racing with sweaty palms, nervous to know the mark he'd receive by the end of their assignment. now, however, it felt like the ceiling could crash around him.

his eyes grew warm, watery, glossing up quickly as the message began to double and blur in sight. no, are you serious?

the device fell into his lap, feeble hands capping around his knees as his head fell with a jolted breath.

i've finally lost you.

corbyn's thoughts matched daniel's, holding a near-dusty vase in numbing hands. two strangers leaving his room with the last panel to cover his desk.

he laid the flowers down, seeing crippled petals flutter to the plain surface as his hands became rapid, slapping at the wood.

"no, no, no..."

everything seemed so stupid now. i just blocked him, i just hurt him.

ashley glanced around the hall, poking her head out from the room to lock her gaze into corbyn's room. the angel was in complete distress, the consistency of his palm causing a ruckus as more of the wilted flowers fell.

"corbyn, corbyn! you're okay!" her brows furrowed, rushing toward him as her arms encased his and she pulled him down to the floor. "you're okay..."

his arms folded, hands mirroring hers while he stuffed his face into her neck. "he's gone, ash. i left him when i was all he had. i broke his heart! i'm a monster!—"

she shushed him, holding him as tight as possible as choppy breaths filled their silence.

"i don't want him to hurt, i want the happy daniel back. i want him to be okay, why'd i have to hurt him?" corbyn could feel his wing grow uncomfortable, having no care for it while he tucked his knees closer to his chest.

"you did the right thing, corbs. even if it hurts now, i promise, he's gonna be okay." ashley's eyes lifted to the doorway, finding jordan in the hall and waving him over.


"pinky promise."

so, she stuck out her finger and weaved it with corbyn's own. as soon as jordan was noticed, corbyn's hands reached out, grabbing towards him. it wasn't often that he was out from his room, not enough for him to know the drama from corbyn.

"join us," corbyn's laugh was short, sniffling afterward as jordan toppled his siblings, knowing it'd be humorous enough to hear corbyn laugh once more.

"i miss him, jordan." corbyn's arms were thrown around jordan's neck, the three awkwardly crumpled on the floor of corbyn's room.

"i know, corbs."

-consider this an early update because i wrote this last night and ive been itchin to get it out

-i think im second guessing some songs in guardian's playlist but i still have time to finish it so we shall see💅✨

-i hope y'all have a good day/night, stay hydrated + healthy! ilya! <3

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