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the doctors gave me a notebook to write in, i'm supposed to track my feelings or something. i don't think i will though. i have this one.
i cant get corbyn out of my mind, that stupid "guardian" just came into my life and wont leave it, even after he's gone. he's been gone for a week or more.
those stupid words keep playing in my mind like some broken record player, its hurting my brain.

"the amount of panic built into my body seeing you down those pills could've drowned me if i wasn't already dead."

daniel swallowed, eyes squeezing shut in memory of the pained angel. corbyn had tears trailing down his cheeks, voice breaking throughout the outburst. the brunet could feel guilt crawling in his body, part of his mind aching to call out to the blond and apologize.

but he couldn't.

it was almost as if daniel had a devil on his shoulder, hankering for him to never think of corbyn again, remain mad at the intruder for how he'd saved daniel. but if he was saved twice, shouldn't he give life a try?

the brunet tangled hands into his locks, elbows meeting the desk as he let out an exasperated sigh. what the fuck do i do?

his thoughts were shortly interrupted by the ding of his phone, vibrations meeting the bones of his elbow as his head lifted to look at the notification.

we're outside

the brunet jumped up, responding quickly with an excuse that would give him at least five minutes.

daniel hurried to spray some cologne, straightening out his clothes and tousling his hair before grabbing his wallet, phone, and pulling a jumper over his head as he ran down the stairs.

"hey, mom, i was planning to go to the movies with the guys but i forgot about it and they're outside right now—"

"don't worry about it, hon," keri smiled, fixing the lopsided look of his hood and the strings as well, kissing his cheek gingerly. "go have fun. if you plan on staying over at one of their houses just text me, okay?"

when she began to toy with his hair, he shook his head with a smile. once returning the kiss she'd given, he bound out the door in a hurry, clambering into the car with laboured breathing.

"took you long enough," jonah rolled his eyes, allowing for jack and zach to continue the playful banter as daniel flipped off his friends.

the conversation began to tune out, daniel's mind beginning to wonder what it would be like if a certain blond were sat beside him.

that won't happen, he frowned, i've hurt him.

as daniel was at a war in his mind, corbyn was doing much worse above the clouds.

the blond couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten up from his bed. currently, none of his body could feel; as soon as he left daniel he'd been met with all of the consequences of his words.

what if daniel were to die because of my sayings?

corbyn could only think of the worst, having no bother to look at what daniel was doing. he stayed in bed, throat raw from his countless hours of crying. although getting much sleep, the blond was exhausted, the whites of his eyes were tinted pink. not only that, but his nose and cheeks were a rosy colour from irritation. he had no clue how his hair looked, and no care to move from his bed and wash his face.

from staying in bed, he could no longer feel his wings. the boy had been lying on them for far too long, knowing well that they'd fallen asleep but not wanting to move and feel the timeless tickles of their wake. yes, this happened to his limbs from time to time, but they awake throughout his slight shifts on the mattress.

ashley, his sister, knocked on his door. she didn't know of much that was going on in corbyn's life, but she did know he hadn't left his room for days.

corbyn swallowed, staring at his ceiling as his throat cleared.

"who is it?"

his voice was cracked and raw, but he'd heard the name of his sister, allowing her to come in.

ashley's heart broke at the sight of her brother, slowly walking up to the bed and sitting beside him. her hand fell on his knee, thumb tracing small circles in the pyjama pants.

"how are you, corbs?"

her voice was quiet, his head turned and he shrugged as best he could. "horrible." corbyn blinked, sighing at the following question.

"you wanna talk about it?"

the siblings were silent for a moment, corbyn's arms reaching out with a sad smile. "help me up."

ashley grinned at him, pursing her lips as she helped her older brother sit up straight. corbyn's back arched, face scrunching as his legs crossed. "stupid sleepy wings."

ashley nodded, her own wings flapping at the thought of the menacing tickle when an appendage 'falls asleep'. it was most discomforting in the wings, as they're connected to the back and have somewhat sensitive nerve systems.

"so, we can either talk about it and then do something fun, or we can do the reverse. no other options, sir." ashley stuck up her nose giving him an expectant look. she wasn't going to allow her brother to wallow in self pity for the rest of his days.

"okay, okay! get ready, it might be a lot to take in..."

-k this was a little boring but
bare with me (:

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