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⚠️triggering! mentions of self harm!⚠️

jenna left the next morning.

it was the kind of day when clouds coated over the grey shade of blue sky, winds bustling against shingles or trees and open-windowed curtains.

daniel was exhausted.

with the blanket on he was far too warm, sweltering, boiling. when removed it that morning he was simply freezing, and he scowled at the inconsistency.

with the horrid stench of sweat and faded perfumes against his bedsheets, his nose scrunched as he kicked his legs out over the bed, needing extra efforts to actually sit up.

he wanted to clean himself up a little, feeling worse than usual. the gel in his hair stuck it up in numerous directions and his body had just basked in the scent of sex and jenna's overwhelming perfume. it almost reminded daniel of some random fragrance a preteen would steal from their mother, excited about the sultry smell and thinking they needed a gallon on their clothes.

with an odd assortment of clothing balled into his hands from the closet and dresser, he stepped into the bathroom, flipped down the toilet lid and laid them on top. the shower was turned on moments later, and daniel stepped in as the steam began to rise in the air.

his eyes shut once the shampoo product was lathered in his palms, hands soon raising to remove the stiff substance in his hair. the shower was planned to be quick, short, originally planned that he'd rinse up and muster up the ability to clean his room a little.

instead, however, once the suds washed from his hair and sunk into the drain daniel just stood there. his eyes were locked on the plain wall of the shower before him as the water faltered from hot to warm, pricking at his back.

you really are alone...

daniel shuddered a little from the repetitive trickling against his skin, simply turning as his body moved to sit on the floor. his back pressed to the wall parallel to his curtain, feeling water now beat upon his chest.

his knees raised, legs folding while his arms wrapped around them to pull them as close as possible. the brunet sighed tiredly, blinking slowly with a pained expression while his head lolled. this is easter break all over again.

as daniel's head wavered a little, he finally allowed it to drop onto his knees. the streams of water gave a quiet noise that daniel attempted to focus on, wanting something else to dwell on rather than his impending thoughts. of course, though, it never worked.

he swallowed, head turning as his eyes focused on the swirling water of the drain. his mind racked up moments, people, places, anything besides the inevitable ending where he had to face his troubles. it was quite easy to remember corbyn, his past, his person, and that gave him a distraction.

what did corbyn do?

he hauled me out of bed in these very moments when i wished to sink into the floorboards.


i can barely even keep myself strong and willing enough to stand in the shower. why was it so easy to follow him?

daniel swallowed, shaking his head slowly. he's gone. everybody is. it's just you, now.

when was the last time you saw anna? your parents? they don't care, news flash.

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