Adventures in the Alps

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Disclaimer: I own nothing it's simply a fan fiction since I was bored all rights belong to Ubisoft

Your POV.(italics are internal thoughts)
It was quiet in the Blackhawk, none of the Rainbow operators spoke it was almost like they were terrified about the mission. It was short notice and with little intel but that's almost every mission. From the short brief myself and one Russian operator, call sign Glaz, were to provide overwatch for IQ, Thermite, Jager and Caveira while they entered and searched for captured government officials from England An odd culmination of people I decided to make some small talk with Thermite, "So what's with the goggles? Why not sunglasses?" He laughed slightly before replying "nothing really, I just like the way they look" he only received a look of disbelief "So you're telling me you cosplay as Professor Eggman, because you like the way they look?" The German piped up from the cockpit before thermite could reply, telling us that we were two mikes out and to make ready for infil. Thermite replied "yes I think they're quite stylish" I quickly checked my m110 with a dual powered scope and fore grip and bipod and a suppressor to make sure everything was clean and working.

 Thermite replied "yes I think they're quite stylish" I quickly checked my m110 with a dual powered scope and fore grip and bipod and a suppressor to make sure everything was clean and working

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             I tapped the magazine on my helmet twice before loading it and chambering a round. I only laughed before looking around the helicopter everyone looked much more calm now, more deadly everyone was stone faced and their eyes burned with the fury of a thousand suns I could only surmise that they lost some people to the white mask, then again I don't think anyone who enters this line of work makes it out intact. I saw glaz eye-balling my rifle and couldn't help but wonder is he wary of it or was it he's wary of me?. He looked at me and our eyes met a sort of understanding passed through each of us, we had a job to do and for now we were on the same side the relations between the US and Russia have been better recently but they're not completely lax. The chopper came to a hover and the German now known as Jaeger joined us in the back. I was the first out of the chopper when my feet hit the dirt I instinctively moved 10 meters out and took a knee as everyone else took perimeter and the chopper left us for the night we moved into the tree line and linked up before we started moving to the objective     Thermite proposed we go over the plan one last time   "Okay, Glaz and Dreamcatcher are going to be on the ridge 500 meters outside of the village on overwatch, An easy shot for anyone who graduated sniper school I thought dryly, Caviera and Jager are our spear being the fastest out of us IQ and I will be 20 meters back from them we're in and out before anyone notices that we left the door open?" The last part being directed to me I looked the Texan in the eyes taking measure of the man before me while replying "rog' boss it's your hunt."
             We split into our pairs and moved to our positions it's a long ruck but it gives me time to learn about my partner. "So Glaz any hobbies?" He looked at me weirdly for a second before replying "I like to paint" I blinked "well that is certainly not what I was expecting" he replied "oh? What were you expecting then Dreamcatcher?" Saying my callsign with a bit of annoyance I chuckled lightly before replying "I don't know maybe collecting teddy bears" he deadpanned "I do" I stopped in my tracks staring incredulously "you do?" He laughed before replying "No" I breathed a sigh of relief I wouldn't have to spend the mission with that nagging at my conscious. After another 30 minutes walking parallel to the other pairs I was about to ask another question before Glaz cut me off and asked "so why the call sign Dreamcatcher?" I was slightly surprised most people don't care about the call signs "I'm Cherokee" Glaz raised an eyebrow "Cher... Cher-uh-kee" trying to get comfortable with the word "Cherokee? What do you mean" I was dumbfounded and then it hit me Russians don't learn American history and probably don't learn  about Indian tribes "I'm Native American, Cherokee is a tribe" "Ah I see" replied Glaz we were about to continue talking but I hear Thermites voice over the radio "were just outside the village gates are you ready?" I looked forward and spot our position "negative we need two minutes to zero everything" Thermite replied "best we can do is one" I looked back at Glaz for his input, he shrugged and replied "I can zero her in a minute but it'll be messy" I radioed Thermite and told him "affirm we'll be ready in a minute" while taking up position next to Glaz on the ridge once I zeroed my baby I looked at Glaz "which one of us is spotting?"
             Glaz told me "I will, I want to see what a Ranger can do" I chuckled before replying "be prepared to get a new job my friend" I looked through my scope and located Jager and Caviera, I radioed "all Rainbow operatives mission is green good hunting" I saw Jager and Caviera take off through the gate making me gasp, Glaz chuckled "not used to seeing people that fast, no?"I slowed my breathing and enter my zen no thought mode moving my crosshairs from point to point searching for any movement, shadows out of place anything. Come on, Come on there has to be something it's too quiet there's no guards nothing. There... there it is the thing I was looking for I radioed Rainbow "Jager, you two need to stop now" I saw them freeze Jager asked "what? What is it?" I replied "hold, suspicious object directly front " I asked Glaz "do you see those bags about 35 meters in front of them" I saw him move the binoculars so he could see "yeah what about them?" "3 feet to the left by the curb, you see the bag there?" He replied "yes comrade I see it what about it?" "That bags out of place the rest of those bags are flat and blowing slightly in the wind that one in the street it's flat not blowing at all and it's rectangular, my bets it's a package of c4" he focused before replying "da I see it wires confirmed"
            he radioed the other operators "move 2 streets over avoid trash and watch your step possible IEDs" I saw Caviera wanted to move directly to the building while Jager tried to get her to follow the directions I radioed "Caviera you need to listen to us I know you want to get to the targets but if we bum rush this you're going to die" she relented and they moved I had a sneaking feeling something was wrong that bag was just a bit too obvious, the wind changed and a light machine gun barked to life causing Jager to dive to cover but Caviera hesitated, unsure of which direction to run, for a second just enough for a round to graze her hip. "Thermite, machine gun fire from the target building. Glaz and I will take any shots we can without hitting a hostage" he sounded out of breath when he replied "Good we've linked with Caviera and Jager and are making progress slow progress but progress." It's time to go to work I looked through the scope and there must have been some glint from the full moon because I saw this Mask's eyes widen before my round impacted and threw him back.
            The machine gun faltered for a second before resuming fire. This continued for around 10 minutes before I saw my opening one of the sandbags at the top was slipping, there she is Lady Luck still loves me, I fired 4 rounds into the back causing the sandbags to fall off the wood frame and land on the gun knocking it out of action. Glaz piped up "nice thinking" catching me off guard I forgot he was there "thanks" Caviera and Jager breached in as I told them "rainbow once inside I've got no eyes I repeat you're on your own" after around 4 minutes of gunfights and explosions I see thermite and the rest exiting with the hostages we went to stand to leave but I heard several cars tearing towards the target house I hit the deck and radioed thermite "we've got hostile unknown amount look to be white mask" followed up by a radio to command "Ma'am I need air support now if we don't get it not only will the officials die so will rainbow" she remained quiet for a minute before replying "best I can do is redirect a predator drone" I replied "yes ma'am anything helps" while firing, the mantra of "the maximum amount of death to the minimum amount of people" repeating in my head. Glaz had picked up the laser designator and marked the coordinates for the predators first strike I hear over my headset "roger missile on approach" Thermite and the other were starting to run low when a missile came streaking over head and killed 8 of the enemies the rest tried taking cover in buildings two more buildings were destroyed before the Masks made their retreat and surrendered the day. We linked up with Thermite and the rest making our way to exfil Glaz and I talking like old friends with Thermite chipping in and I got to know IQ fairly well on the way back to base.
            When we landed I noticed the Lieutenant next to a man I've never met before, he looked like he knew how things worked around here the lieutenant approached and informed me "dream, you're being transferred to rainbow because of your performance on this joint... venture let's call it this is Harry your new boss" I locked eyes with her and saw it wasn't up for debate with a sigh I replied "yes ma'am I'll go pack" I walked off with Jager offering to help pack I accepted while we were heading to the barracks we made small talk and wondering if the masks got any information. Once we entered and I informed my fellow Rangers I'd been transferred the typical joking vibe died and we all acted like we lost one of our brothers it was a quick pack but Jager made it just that much faster and we left I didn't want to keep Harry waiting. I met with Harry and filled out a file about myself while we loaded onto a chinook and took off to Hereford, England. IQ and Thermite were quite excited for me to be joining them while Caviera looked less than thrilled. When we arrived I was the last off the helicopter with my rucksack slung over my back all I could say was one thing while gazing at the gorgeous old base in front of me "fuck me it's cold"

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