The final assualt

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

      We've been making our way to this fortress, going through the valley that lead to the objective. I was talking with the High Roller's tank commander, Sasha. "So why a tank commander?" She looked at me funny "why not? It's like driving a truck but with a big fucking gun" I laughed "fair enough" she sat back "why a Ranger?" I looked at the universe, there not being light pollution we could see everything.

 "So why a tank commander?" She looked at me funny "why not? It's like driving a truck but with a big fucking gun" I laughed "fair enough" she sat back "why a Ranger?" I looked at the universe, there not being light pollution we could see everything

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I replied "My grandfather was a Ranger in one of the developmental units during WW2. Growing up hearing those stories made me want to be one so I put my time into getting here, now I outrank him even though he's not here it's a nice motivator" she nodded "I've never worked with Rangers before" I chuckled "I'm not surprised most of the time were in the mountains or doing missions that armor doesn't suit." She sighed "I've always wanted to work with you guys, I'd hear stories of 15 rangers killing hundreds of taliban in open combat" I smiled "those were the good old days" she looked at me "that's true?" I nodded "I think we counted 107 EKIAs" she chuckled "you Rangers are something else" I looked at her

" She sighed "I've always wanted to work with you guys, I'd hear stories of 15 rangers killing hundreds of taliban in open combat" I smiled "those were the good old days" she looked at me "that's true?" I nodded "I think we counted 107 EKIAs" she ...

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"Maybe, at the end of the day we're all just cogs in a machine. Rangers are just a little harder to replace than most Cogs" she sighed "quite the cynic, are we?" I nodded "when you've had the past 48 hours I've had, you get pretty cynical." She cocked an eyebrow "and how replaceable, are we?" I looked at my soldiers "We are just like this rifle. When we have done our jobs, we are discarded just as easily." she sighed "yeah, but what about our families? We aren't replaceable to them." I chuckled "maybe you're right, maybe I'm right. We'll never get an answer. How far out are we?" She looked "half a mile" I replied as I bolted upright "stop. Stop the column now!" We quickly stopped she looked alarmed "what? What is it?" I got off the tank and moved forward "IEDs" I crouched next to one "anti-Tank IEDs" getting back on the tank I continued "bring us back 300 meters I'm gonna have an AC-130 mine sweep" we all moved back and I called it "Ares, bring the hammer 300 meters north west of marked position with strobe, how copy?" 5 seconds later I heard "roger firing in 10" even after 16 years of serving and hearing Ac-130s firing it's still amazing I heard cheers of "oorah!" And "Get some" I radioed Ares "good hits, hang your coat we might need you again" "roger Dreamcatcher we'll be around" I looked at Sasha "you comfortable bringing High Roller through that?" She nodded "my 70ton beast can handle it" I chuckled "bring us through slowly" the tank lurched as we moved through.
       About halfway through I relaxed "let's pick up speed we're behind schedule" nodding she ordered to pick up speed. After 10 minutes we were within sight of the compound. Looking over "distance?" Sasha looked at the GPS 500 meters. Standing up I yelled "Rangers! Disembark! Alright Sasha half my rangers are going to push with your armor, the rest are going up on that mountain with me we'll be around 100 meters away, sound good?" She nodded "I think you Rangers will like working with my boys" I chuckled "probably" before dropping down "I want half of you to push with High Roller and her boys, decide amongst yourselves who it is. The rest are to follow me up onto that mountain where we'll coordinate Ac-130 support and provide support to the main assault" after a minute I had 76 Rangers in front of me "come on we need to move now" checking my watch 4:18 fuck we're running out of time. After a 4 minute hike, I sat down and got out my IR marker and night vision binoculars I spotted artillery guns, sniper towers, Machine gun nests the whole nine yards. "Ares, prepare for fire mission, IR designated how copy?" I heard Ares reply "copy, 20 seconds to switch everything to IR" I answered "Rog'" while watching the base "High Roller, proceed with assault when first barrage from Ares hits, How copy?" Sasha replied "Rog', get that switched to thermal you're killing me Blackburn!" I chuckled The army never changes. Ares came over the radio "Dreamcatcher, ready to receive. Send targets." Picking up the IR marker I put the laser on the artillery guns "sending, free to prosecute keep it minimal on the collateral" "Roger, 105 mike mike sending 5 seconds"

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