Commotion in the Congo

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(A/N it's this uniform for this mission I forgot to mention that last chapter I'm sorry"            It's been 12 hours since we left, and we still have 8 hours to go

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(A/N it's this uniform for this mission I forgot to mention that last chapter I'm sorry"
           It's been 12 hours since we left, and we still have 8 hours to go. Craig and I were playing blackjack with lion. I got dealt an original total of 7 looking at Meghan who was the dealer I whacked the table "Hit me" she slammed down a card and it was a 3 I immediately yelled "God Damnit! Hit me again!" This time I got an 8 staring at the cards I sighed "I'm staying I'm fucked either way" Craig asked for a hit and got a 3 I stared at the card with hatred "I hate this fucking game" Meghan laughed as I slammed my head on the table. This went on for four hours before we got bored and we did different things Meghan and I watching a movie, Olivier was listening to music while Craig and Jack slept. It was going to be a long flight, we still had 4 hours and we were running out of things to do. By the time we had an hour left I was so bored I was reading the ingredients on bug spray. The rest had fallen asleep but I couldn't, I kept having flashbacks to the wolf attack every time I tried to sleep, so here I was reading ingredients of different things. I had read the ingredients of everything on the plane by the time we were 10 minutes out and i woke everyone up while sitting on the verge of boredom induced insanity.
           We all prepped for a HALO(High Altitude Low Opening) jump to get to our LZ. Valkyrie said "we move quietly and deliberately I don't want to get caught off guard because we moved to quickly. Remember we're here to monitor not engage, if we are engaged were to fall back to these positions designated beta, sigma and zeta, clear?" We all nodded as I pulled my shemagh up.

 Remember we're here to monitor not engage, if we are engaged were to fall back to these positions designated beta, sigma and zeta, clear?" We all nodded as I pulled my shemagh up

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I check my Mk17 to make sure everything cycled correctly. I slung it and made my way to the door. I heard the pilot "Clear for Halo jump, good hunting" before flinging myself out of the plane turning and looking I see the rest got out but it looks like we're going to be scattered, great I thought sarcastically. I tried reaching my radio but with all my gear I couldn't reach. Once I reached 180 meters in altitude I pulled my chute and looked I saw pulse to my left but the rest I couldn't see so we were scattered fucking wonderful I thought as I landed in a clearing, getting the parachute off and rolled away I put on my rucksack and started moving towards where I saw pulse landing. I moved quickly and off the walked trails keeping my gun up and ready to fire. After about 5 minutes of walking I came upon a parachute in a tree looking at it it was pulses but there's no sign of him or a struggle. Lifting my rifle I called out his call sign "Pulse? Pulse are you here?!" Looking around I saw him come out of hiding "do you know how happy I am to see you dream?" I chuckled "no, no I suppose not. Where's your gear?" "Most if it's broken I've just got my MRE's and weapons."  Looking around I kicked the ground "damnit, okay. Do you have any idea where the others are?" He nodded "I saw Valkyrie about 2 klicks northeast of us" I tried the radio "Dreamcatcher to all callsigns, does anyone hear me? I repeat dreamcatcher to all callsign do you read?" All I got in return was static "fuck! Okay radios are useless. Let's start heading towards Valkyrie and try to find her then the others."  Pulse looked around "sounds like a plan" I pulled out my compass and we started heading northeast through thick jungle.

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