Worries of the wild pt. 2

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

Your POV
          We've been waiting for Valkyrie to be ready to move, it's been a week since the attack and we've yet to make any progress on the actual mission. The more waiting we do the angrier I am with the white masks if they weren't out here in the middle of fuck off no where, Meghan would still be okay. Standing up I look at Meghan one more time "Maverick and Mira come with me, Finka take care of her for me, please." She nodded and I turned my attention to Maverick and Mira "we can't wait with this assault any longer, were already behind schedule and the longer we wait the higher the probability that the masks are getting parts out for bombs we're going to three man this since I need Lera to take care of Meghan for me we leave in 10 do what you need" they nodded and split off to get the gear I crouched next to Meghan and put my hand against her forehead looking at Lera "How is she?" Lera sighed "I've done what I can for now, she's strong but I need more supplies." I asked "what can I do? What do you need?" She looked at me "I need something to clean the wound peroxide or rubbing alcohol and new bandages for one I could also use morphine" I nodded looking at Meghan "I'll get it for you, I swear it" Lera looked at me again "you care about her an awful lot" looking back at Lera I replied "I'd do this for any of you, Meghan's one of my best friends up there with Timur and Craig. I can't lose another friend" she nodded but not before mumbling "you'll see it eventually" standing up I looked at Mira and Maverick "you two ready?" They nodded I grabbed my weapons and we were off to secure the Factory and raid it's medical wing. After 7 minutes we arrived to the ridge we all crouched and counted how many enemies we saw maverick said "I've got 56 total" I nodded "affirm I've got eyes on the medical wing, we need to secure that first if this goes sideways and we need to fall back I want to leave with atleast the stuff Meghan needs clear?" Maverick nods and Mira replies "Sí we'll get it" I nod and we start moving towards the fence. 300 meters to the fence then another 30 to the wing door.
            We pause as an overlook takes position on the ledge above us I take my knife drag him off the platform and stab him several times before signaling we move forward. There was a group of three in front of us I nodded followed closely by Mira let lose a torrent of fire killing the three in seconds 4 down 52 to go. Moving interior we clear room to room catching 9 off guard or asleep quick painless deaths down to 43 now. We get to the door of the medical building I sent Mira and Maverick around each side to come in and take enemies silently. Sneaking up behind one I cover his mouth stab at the base of his skull and step over him as he bleeds, moving forward there's three enemies but Maverick and Mira are in position I nod they take two the last one takes a throwing knife to the back moving through the halls target after target are getting dropped by headshot or knife as we move to secure looking to my left my glock gets grabbed from the right quickly kicking them in the groin and following up with a punch to the throat I fire 4 more rounds into their back stepping over the corpse. Maverick asks "Dreamcatcher you good?" I nod "we've a job to do the sooner we're done the sooner Valkyrie is safe. Looking through cabinets We find the stuff Lera was searching for I give it to maverick "get this back to Finka as fast as you can then I want you to stay and provide security until I radio it's secure we clear?" He nods "crystal sir" I pat his shoulder "good Godspeed" looking at Mira I smile "we've got 38 to kill still let's go" moving into the main factory. "There's 26 in this building check your corners and shoot to kill we have time so take it slow" she nods "I always take it slow."
          I cut the power as we power on our NVGs(Night Vision Goggles) one enemy opens the door just for me to grab his barrel life it up and fire 4 rounds into his chest with my glock. Stepping over the corpse Mira and I split and clear halves of the factory after 3 empty rooms I was nervous checking the last room on this hallway, I hear a TV, the door is opened by an enemy and my fears are confirmed there's 13 in this room I quickly lift my glock and shoot the man in the doorway throwing flashbangs into the room and entering when they go off, double tapping most of the enemies. 4 were still standing by the time the flashbang wore off and I ran out of ammo. They rushed me as I pulled my knife. They threw punches which I either dodged blocked or got hit. The lead guy through a punch only to have my knife pierce his palm and go into his throat kicking his corpse off my blade I turn to the other three as I take a left hook and stumble into the wall. I grabbed a trophy off the shelf and throw it at the nearest enemy hitting him in the face going to tackle him I get kicked in the side and pushed back I toss the knife into the air as we trade blows I look up as it starts coming down and I break his guard catching the knife and plunging it into his gut. 2 left looking to my right I see one about to hit me, trying to jump back I'm hit to the ground by the guy on my left one goes to stab me as I cut his Achilles' tendon, he drops to the ground and I quickly roll and plunge my knife into his throat stabbing him multiple times before turning to the last Mask standing before yelling "Nihi tlayeli adahisdi ayv!(You can't kill me)" before standing up and shoulder charging him into the wall and punching him repeatedly before he blocked and returned with several over his own jabs I dodged before kicking his leg dropping him to the ground before trying to stomp on his neck he rolled out of the way and jumped to his feet, running towards me I dodged and threw my knife at him before running kicking it deeper into his stomach.He looked up from the knife to see me reloading my glock. I looked at him and fired 4 times into his head before walking over and retrieving my knife, 12 left I thought dryly. Meeting up with Mira she tells me she only had 8 on her side so we're down to 4 in the building looking at the last office, I placed a breaching charge on the door and blew it quickly breaching everyone except one was killed he had his hands up and was backing away before turning and reaching for a shotgun Mira reacted quickly and dropped him I looked over "nice shot." We moved to the last building 12 more. I sent Mira to the roof to tell me how many are inside the first room she reported "im only seeing 5" I nodded and entered the building 6 rounds later I hear Mira over the radio "contacts down" I replied "link up'" moving to the left most room I cleared it by firing 3 rounds into each "2 down" Mira looked at me "you sure you're okay?" I nodded "yes Mira just worried about Me-Valkyrie" she nodded "just don't let your feelings make you lose focus" "I know, relax" I replied. The door was breached and two flashbangs were thrown in we entered a second after the second flashbang went off, Mira leading she took out 3 with quick headshots I shot one in the chest twice, and the last one I put a round in his knee. Walking over I put my foot on the wound "Mira you're clear to exit if your uncomfortable" before turning back to the Mask "Did you get anything out of this factory" he laughed until I put pressure on the wound causing him to scream "Answer the question" he shook his head no "we didn't." "Where were you going to take the components?" he replied "a compound in the Congo" I grabbed a map and told him to mark the location he replied "I don't know the exact location" I looked back at him "then give me a rough estimate" putting more pressure on the wound. He put a circle on the map I nodded "wonderful" taking my foot off the wound and shooting him. I radioed Maverick "factory's secured Russian military should be here in 2 days time until then we hold here. We'll be back in 10 minutes to help move gear and other necessities" he replied "yes sir, Valkyries doing better now Finka said she'll be ready to move by the time you two return" I breathed a sigh of relief "rog' thank you" looking at Mira, She said "you're not okay" I shook my head "I'm fine Mira, empathy can get you killed" she nodded before saying "but it can also save who you are, let's get back to the Cave" we left to get our gear and move Meghan.
           4 trips it took 4 trips to move everything I put up Meghan's black eyes for a perimeter Elena put up her black mirrors for extra lines of sight and I made sure everything was in order. "We've barely got enough food for two days, if the Russians don't get here by that second day we'll have to go hunting." Maverick nodded "I think we could ration and make it work for 3 maybe 4 days." I shook my head "yeah that could work"  sitting down next to Meghan's bed I fell asleep on the desk getting woken up by our perimeter alarm. White mask, they've returned. I woke up the rest and started handing out orders "Finka take Meghan and this map and get to fall back Charlie protect her, Mira you're on demo go and set charges on the premarked locations, maverick you're with me we're fighting until Finka is in position then you two fall and I'll be the last one out"
           I called Harry "we cannot hold we have one injury and low supplies, priority moved to asset denial priority from asset security cleared?" Harry thought for a minute "cleared, I'll deal with the Russian government do what you need to to survive" I replied "Yes sir Finka has a map with a rough location on a white mask compound" he sounded happy "well done" I nodded to Finka and she grabbed Meghan and started leaving I loaded up one of my last 4 mags nodding to both Mira and Maverick and we began firing while Mira ran to set the charges.
After 5 minutes of intense combat I was down to my last mag for my m110 and Maverick was to his second to last mag for his m4 "I'm almost out!" I nodded "me too". My radio cracked to life it was Mira "charges set I'm on my way back to you" I replied "negative we're about to fall to point beta." Mira paused for a second before replying "I'm on my way" my rifle cleared empty slinging it I pull my glock and started firing, turning to maverick I yelled "Mav make way for beta!" he replied "moving!" my radio came to life again this time Finka "We're at point Charlie I repeat we're clear" I looked at the retreating form of maverick as he and Mira make their retreat. I have to make this fall back textbook perfect to buy time I need to buy 3 minutes. The fire got more intense. I had to take cover I couldn't make anymore progress retreating, grabbing my last grenade I pulled the pin and threw it towards some gas canisters near the door the resulting explosion caused the ceiling to cave in, buying me 45 seconds. I took fire again and was forced to take cover. I fired back hitting the enemies, but there was always another to take the spot. I heard heavy breathing and turned to my left and saw a bomber coming towards me firing rounds into his chest before moving to firing into his head, he dropped. Grabbing his body I tore the vest off his corpse and threw it towards the enemies pressing the detonator I heard screams of pain. 30 seconds to go. Firing rounds as I walked backwards towards the exit, I took cover by a wall with one of Miras Mirrors using it I quickly peeked and fired a couple rounds, looking behind me I have to cover 30 feet to the exit. I heard the radio "we're clear dreamcatcher we're clear" I replied "affirm I'm making my way toward the exit" I turned and ran for the door firing rounds behind me as I was about to make it, a round ripped through my leg I called into the radio while crawling away from the factory "blow the charges! blow them now!"
              Mira hesitated, before maverick grabbed the detonator and blew the charges, causing some of the factory to collapse. The overpressure threw me 15 feet before I saw maverick coming to grab me and drag me to point Charlie. Once he set me down I looked at him "thank you Erik" he nodded "We're Army we've gotta stick together with the squids around" I chuckled as I handed Finka the radio and told her to call in white phosphorus on the plant leaving it nothing but rubble, embers and flames.

 Once he set me down I looked at him "thank you Erik" he nodded "We're Army we've gotta stick together with the squids around" I chuckled as I handed Finka the radio and told her to call in white phosphorus on the plant leaving it nothing but rubb...

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Meghan had come to, while I was having my leg patched up I smiled and waved before Finka tightened the bandage causing me to cringe. Meghan looked towards the rubble before turning back to me and saying  "well you've certainly had fun" I laughed before saying "yeah, I wish I could say I did" Finka piped up "yeah, he's been worried about you all week" Meghan looked confused I explained "youve been unconscious for a week meg" Meghan sighed "I was hoping to see some combat" I walked over and sat against the tree she was leaning against "hey atleast you're okay and you can say you fought a wolf and won" she frowned "I didn't win" I laughed "well which one of you is alive?" She looked surprised "it died? how?" I rubbed the back of my neck "well I kinda entered a rage and attacked the wolf with a rock after it attacked you but no one has to know I killed it. Personally I think killing a wolf in hand to hand combat is more badass then combat with the Masks." She smiled as did I, I stood up "I've got to go call our ride don't go getting into any trouble" I said teasingly. She laughed "there goes my plans."
        After calling Jager we had to move about her 200 meters to an opening where he could land and then it was just waiting for him to arrive. We took perimeter since we knew wolves were in the area and we did have wounded. Once he did and I got Meghan and everyone else on the chopper I got in and sat down with a sigh "Oh fuck me I'm so taking a shower when we get back" Meghan lazily raises her hand "I second that" as everyone else voiced there agreement. When we landed doc and Lion were there, I muttered "must be Saturday", waiting for Meghan before he left I grabbed his arm and he looked at me "take care of her, please" he nodded and replied "I already planned to" with lion trailing. Turning to the right I saw Harry standing there looking at me I walked over and began "sir I want to apologize I coul-". He cut me off "(Y/N) it's okay I'd rather have my operators alive than stick to a mission description, besides you got useful information, schematics and slowed down white mask bomb production you've done well, now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting with President Putin." I saluted and limped back to door where I immediately went to take a shower and feel the stress and worry of the week wash away.

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