Catching up

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

Your POV
Once I entered the dorm Craig came around the corner to see who had arrived. I waved with a smirk and Craig came over and we had a short bro-hug. He smiled again "So (Y/N) what've you been up to?" Sitting down on a couch I sighed "a lot of running holy hell did we run." Meghan raised an eyebrow "running?" I nodded "We had a lot of missions to patch up weak points in the DMZ and a couple times we had unofficial skirmishes with North Korean special forces" Craig perked up "I heard those guys are pretty tough" leaning back I nodded "yeah they're something definitely made us work for the victory." Meghan decided to change the subject since the mood was quickly souring "so how did you two meet?" I looked at Craig for him to answer the question while standing up "do you two have any beers?" Meghan nodded. As I moved to the kitchen I heard Craig start answering "We were in Afghanistan on a joint op, between Seals and Rangers, to assault an Al-Qaeda stronghold we needed to take it to control the valley. The Rangers were on the first chopper the Seals were to infil 15 minutes after to bolster the assault. When we arrived the Rangers had sustained heavy losses and many were injured or low on ammo. I moved up to their position to see (Y/N) using a rock as a stabilizer and methodically picking off enemies." I chimed in as I entered the room with 3 beers "That's where I came to love the m110" Meghan chuckled slightly before taking the beer I handed her and Craig started to answer again "when the rest of the seals got to our position we realized how much we underestimated the enemy. We didn't have enough people or ammo. We needed air support and we needed it now" I nodded and took over answering "we called in several air strikes well within danger close two A-10s did several gun runs before the Apaches arrived for localized support. It got significantly easier after the gunships arrived most of the enemies were either injured or dead. As we moved through the rubble there was light resistance which was quickly dealt with. It was quickly secured and we had control of the valley. After that it was just dealing with wounded and looking for anything usable. I walked over and started talking with Craig trying to figure out our next move. We stayed in that rubble for 5 days after the initial assault over those days Craig and I became pretty good friends."
Meghan nodded and said "that is certainly a story to behold" I nodded and replied "so what's your story?" She sighed and said "Well my father was a Naval officer so I spent a lot of time on base and eventually got into swimming. I was an Olympic hopeful too that is until I got into a car accident, it ended my dreams of the olympics" I simply continued to listened "I signed up after I graduated before going to college and re-enlisting before I got my chance to become a SEAL. I developed my black eye cameras and now I'm following this path seeing where it brings me" I looked out the window and replied "admirable." She chases challenges too it seems.
Craig said "why don't we play a game?" I cocked an eyebrow "what game? I can't do too much with my arm, feelings just starting to come back to it" Meghan suggested "monopoly" I looked over "I'm good with that, Craig?" He agreed and set off to get the board game Meghan asked about my story I looked at her and started "well it all started on the Cherokee Reservation, I was born there and we moved up north so we were closer to my grandfather he would tell me stories about his time as a Ranger and when he passed away when I was 7 I decided I was gonna be just like him so I set out to become a Ranger. I joined the Army at 17 and then went to Ranger and Sniper school. I got deploy to Afghanistan in 2003 and then I just kept deploying and the last deployment was to Germany for joint training with the KSK before I got selected to join Glaz on overwatch" Meghan nodded and replied "well that's a story" I chuckled as Craig came back out with the game complaining "holy hell this was in the deepest darkest corner of the closet I had to get everything out to find it just to put everything back"
I laughed before going "Craig the navy's supposed to teach you to keep things organized" he looked at me annoyed "piss off" Meghan laughed and I grabbed the battleship as my piece before declaring "I will use the Navy to beat the Navy" Meghan and Craig rolled there eyes and we all set out to win.

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