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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

          My mom looked back at Meghan in the rear view "you're very pretty Meghan" Meghan smiled "thank you very much" mom followed it up with "how'd you meet (Y/n)?" Meg looked at me "I met him when he came to Rainbow he saw Craig and snuck up behind him before hitting him with a jumper cable causing Craig to hit the mess hall floor before me and (Y/n) started laughing" my mom laughed "sounds like him" Meghan chuckled as well "yeah he makes life interesting while giving me a series of heart attacks" they all laughed before mom replied "isn't that the truth? He can't ever seem to stay out of trouble" I pouted as Meghan pokes my cheek "you'll be fine you big baby" I chuckled "yall making fun of a wounded vet." Mom looked at me "3/4 of us are wounded vets." I looked at her "Traitor." Mom laughed "so Meghan what're your goals in life" Meghan looked thoughtful "I'd like to retire soon and maybe settle down and start a family" mom looked at me "she's on my side son" I replied "still a long way off mom" Meghan turned red. Mom continued "so you met when he joined rainbow correct?" Meghan replied "yes that's correct" "which means you've only known each other for 4 months" Meghan and I nodded "isn't that a bit short to get into a relationship?" I spoke up "mom enough" she feigned confusion "what? I'm just asking" I replied "no you're projecting, enough with questioning her. We got together because we've saved each other's lives many times and bonded over it. We connected almost instantly when we started hanging out so drop the subject and trust me for once in your life" mom sighed "fine it's not like I couldn't change your mind" "you're right you couldn't not after I've been through so much with her" looking at Meghan she seemed shocked I leaned over and whispered "what?" She replied back in the same tone "you got very combative quickly" I nodded "because of where she was heading. she was trying to put a value on our relationship based on time not experiences. We've been through so much in that 4 months that she's trying to dismiss." She nodded "I understand" I leaned back as Meghan leaned into my side. Eventually we arrived home, Meghan and mom walked to the house, talking, while Craig and I grabbed the bags from the trunk. Craig looked at the silhouettes of the two women "that went better than expected" I nodded "I wish she'd just trust my judgement" Craig look over "she will once she gets to know Meghan" I nodded "my grandfather would've loved her" Craig looked at me "I've never heard you say that before" I nodded "I know, let's go."
         We were walking towards the house when I slipped on some black ice crashing to the ground landing on my fractured rib yelling in pain as the week of torture came rushing back in an extraordinary burst of pain. Meghan came running out of the house faster than I've seen her move before. She stopped when she saw me writhing on the ground in pain before running towards me and looking at Craig "what happened?" Craig was stunned before snapping out of it "uh he was walking and must've stepped on some ice and fell." Meghan stared at him "what side did he fall on?" Craig looked down at me "it was... uh... his right, it was his right" Meghan swore "shit, okay hold him still. I don't want him hitting his head " looking at me as Craig grabbed my shoulders she said "(N/n) listen to me. you're okay I'm here. breathe and focus on me okay?" She began slowly combing her fingers through my hair "you're okay, shhh it's okay. I'm here, everything's going to be okay." I slowly started to slow my breathing as the pain started to dim. Meghan continues to run her fingers through my hair "you're okay, you're home I'm here just stay focused on me" Craig picked me up and brought me inside laying me on the couch before Meghan came in and moved my head to her lap "come on you're my ranger, you'll make it through. You always do" she said with a small smile a tear leaking from her eye.
          I breathed deeply as the pain subsided and I started to stop hyperventilating "meg?" She was trying really hard not to cry "yeah?" I smiled despite the pain as I reached up to whips away the tear "my grandfather would've loved you" my mother gasped when she heard those words, Meghan's head snapped towards her "what?" Mom stammered over her words "that's his highest compliment, I've only heard him say that one other time." Meghan presses on "which was?" I cut in "a fellow Ranger's funeral. She embodied the Ranger Creed." Meghan looked down "just rest you're in a lot of pain" I coughed "yeah you're right" mom walked over "I'm sorry Meghan, it seems I judged you too rashly." Meghan looked up "it's okay, you're a mother that's what mothers do, protect their kids" I had one tear escape my eye "this is fucking pitiful" Meghan laughed while running her fingers through my hair "you're injured stop being so hard on yourself" I continued looking at the ceiling "I'm a ranger Meg, injuries like this aren't supposed to keep us down. I slipped on some ice and now look at me" she scoffed "Rangers also dont typically get tortured for a week before slipping on the ice" I nodded "I guess you're right" she cheekily responded "I often am" I sighed "true" she laughed "Don't sound so happy, I might think you enjoy it" I chuckled "I'm taking a nap so you can't bully me" closing my eyes I feel her fingers going through my hair I sighed in contentment, hugging Meghan's thigh before drifting off to sleep. Best pillow ever was the last thing on my mind as I shut down to combat the pain.
         I woke up 3 hours later and looked up to see Meghan sleep soundly on the couch. The pain in my side has lessened considerably I sat up before gently laying Meg down so her head rested on my leg, so she was comfortable while she slept, and began gently playing with her hair. She looks so peaceful I internally mused. Mom walked in and looked at the scene "you really care about her, don't you?" I nodded "she's helped me through a lot, not once has she turned away when I make a mistake or show a jagged edge." Mom looked down "I'm sorry I didn't trust your judgment. I was worried she'd turn out like the last one" I got a look of disgust "Meghan is nothing like her" mom nodded "I see that now" I simply replied "good" before going back to playing with her hair
A little while later, probably 45 minutes, I was looking at the tv watching movies with Craig while Meghan slept. "Remember, when we were in Afghanistan and we were playing basketball with those PJs?" He nodded "I miss those guys" I sighed "yeah they were good guys" Craig looked over "you never told me where you left to when you and those PJs took off running to get your gear. Where'd you guys go?" I looked at him "ever seen the movie Lone Survivor?" He nodded "yeah, every SEAL has" I looked back at the TV "I was on the second rescue helicopter after the SEAL's chinook got shot down." He looked at me surprised "you were on the op that saved Marcus luttrell?" I looked at him "on it? I was in the party that found him in that village. Helped secure the bodies of the dead SEALs too" Craig was star struck "why didn't you tell me?" I looked at Meghan still sleeping "I don't care that I was on that mission. I did what was expected of me as a Ranger" Craig shook his head in disbelief "you walked thousands of feet, starved soaked and miserable in the heights of Afghanistan, because it was expected of you?" I looked back at him "Craig, I'm a Ranger we give 110% 100% of the time, those SEALs were missing and I signed up to rescue America's finest if that meant dealing with what we dealt with on that mountain, so be it. I was prepared to die on that mountain if it meant getting them home. Rangers lead the way wether that be forward into enemy territory or back home to a loving family. We get people home." Meghan sat up " why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her "I didn't think it was important" she scoffed "(N/N) you saved a navy seal legend and didn't think I'd care?" I shrugged "I was just doing my job" she laid back down "you make me crazy sometimes" I laughed "yeah, I know."
          Mom walked in "judging by their looks you told them?" I nodded Craig looked at her "how long have you known?" She replied "since Marcus set foot in my house." Craig looked at me "Marcus was here?!" I chuckled "yeah, we're pretty good friends" Meghan turned so she could look at me "we really need to change what you thinks important" I laughed "I think my priorities are right"
          mom sat down in her chair "cookies are done" I heard a crash and looked over Craig had flipped the chair as he vaulted running to the kitchen Jesus Christ I forgot how destructive he gets for those cookies. "Craig bring some in here" he yelled back "Okay! Chocolate or double chocolate?!" I replied by yelling "2 of both!" looking down "meg you're gonna want to sit up for these cookies" she bolted upright "are they the famous ones?" She asked looking excited I smiled and nodded she's adorable. Just then Craig came back with the cookies as I handed them to meg and took one of the chocolate chips letting her have the rest.
      She took a bite and she looked like she was on cloud 9, turning to my mom "these are amazing, can you teach me to make them?" My mom seemed to mull it over I spoke up "I think you should mom, you need a successor anyways and it'll give you a way to bond" she relented "alright, I'll start teaching you tomorrow" Meghan looked excited, I said "be careful she's a bit of a control freak in the kitchen."
       Meg chuckled "can't be worse than the seal DIs" I thought it over "she's probably the closest a civilian and get to being as controlling as a Seal DI" Meghan sighed "it'll be fun" I looked back at the TV "most likely" I looked over at the mantle at a picture of my grandfather "I finally caught the hint, Agiduda(grandfather on your moms side/ pronounce ah-GI- doo-da)" Meghan looked over "what do you mean?" "When I was here a month ago, something felt off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I suspect that mom knew that I was falling for you, probably based on how worried I was." She nodded solemnly "makes sense to me, I was a mess when the masks had you." I scratched the back of my head "I heard, but I'm here now"

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