
4.7K 44 45

Name: (Y/N)

Callsign: Dreamcatcher

DOB: May 06 1985

Place of birth: Cherokee reservation, North Carolina

Gadget: a special round that carries a snake cam and punches through a wall to give a new camera in a room without risk to any personnel

Primaries: m110 sasr or a custom Mk17

Secondary: Glock 18

Height: 1.829 meters (6 feet tall)

Weight: 72.575kg(160.0 lbs)

0 lbs)

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Uniform switches depending on mission

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Uniform switches depending on mission

Backstory: when he was young about 6, (Y/N's) mother decided to move north to be closer to her father. While growing up his grandfather would tell him war stories from his time as a Ranger, this was the beginning of the path of a warfighter for (Y/N). Shortly after he turned 8 his grandfather passed away from cancer this only strengthen (Y/N's) resolve. His mother was teaching him the lessons of the tribe while he was grooming himself to become a soldier. When he turned 17 he went to a recruiting office and started the process after several months he got his scores back. He served 3 tours in Afghanistan, 2 in Iran, 1 in Kuwait, 2 in the DMZ in the border with North Korea and one in Israel. During his many tours he perfected his technique and became one of the best snipers in the Army.

Psychological report: the want to make his grandfather proud motivates (Y/N) so much so it borders on obsession it's also made him ruthless and effective at both long and close range, history of violent behavior when someone insults friends and family - Gustave "Doc" Kateb

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