Settling in

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

Your POV
          I quickly shook myself out of my stupor and jogged to catch up to Harry, who was waiting by the door for me. When I reached him he looked at me nodded and said "follow me" I simply nodded and started off after him. Harry glanced over his shoulder and said "I'm sure you've got some questions" looking back at him I asked "is there anything I should know about my new co-workers?" He smiled slightly "I thought you'd ask about them, Olivier "Lion" flament can be quite... abrasive to some, Gustave "Doc" Kateb is a humanitarian and always looks for a peaceful solution to conflicts and... this is Mike "Thatcher" Baker, he one of our oldest operators and one of the leaders he'll handle any problems or requisites you have but he won't be your babysitter" I shook hands with thatcher while introducing myself "(F/n) "dreamcatcher" (L/N)." He replied "nice to meet you lad once Harry's done with ya come down to the mess hall and we'll get ya sorted" I instinctively replied "Yes sir." Turning back to Harry he motioned me through the door to what looked like a therapy room "I've got two more questions sir" Harry replied "go on" "first one, how much does rank effect how things go on here?" He nodded knowingly and replied "while everyone here has a rank in their respective units it's more of a social hierarchy here, I select people for being team leaders and the rest is built on respect" I nodded, it makes sense, "alright this is the last one, you brought me here for another reason other than my skills as a sniper didn't you?" His eyes widened for a second before he relaxed and smiled while shaking his head "I see Glaz didn't lie about your attention to details, yes I did bring you here with an alternative motive" I shook my head and pressed on "why?" He leaned back and said one last sentence "Now I know you enjoy a challenge I'll let you figure this one out l, anyway I believe you've kept Mike waiting long enough."
              I stood up smirking before saluting and exiting the room looking down the hall I saw a janitor walking to him I greeted "hey can you help me for a minute?" He seemed startled "pardon me son" Looking at him he was of a standard build latter half of 60 if I had to guess and he was fairly pale. I asked again "could you help me for a minute?" He nodded and asked what i need help with I replied "I'm looking for the mess hall" he nodded sagely almost like he knew something I didn't "follow me it's not far" I thanked him and offered any help if needed in the future after a minute we arrived "inside here are the rest of the operators Mike should be in there" thanking him one last time I entered the room once the door closed everyone stopped talking and looked towards me.

Thatcher stood up and motioned me over making my way over  thatcher reached out his arm and rested his hand on my shoulder and belted out "this is (F/N) "Dreamcatcher" (L/N), he's our newest edition from the 75th Ranger Regiment he provided cover ...

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Thatcher stood up and motioned me over making my way over  thatcher reached out his arm and rested his hand on my shoulder and belted out "this is (F/N) "Dreamcatcher" (L/N), he's our newest edition from the 75th Ranger Regiment he provided cover on the recent mission to recover captured officials he'll be around to introduce himself" I did a two finger salute with a half smirk. Mike sat down and looked up to me "right lad once you introduce yourself to the CTUs come back to me and we'll head down to the gym and get baselines on your abilities"
           I looked at the rest of the table "I'm (Y/N), the new sniper, I'll be watching your backs on missions. I like music, designing things, shooting and hiking." The mountain of a man next to Mike piped up "I'm Seamus "sledge" Cowden one of the breachers. I like to work out in fact I hold many of the records in the SAS. That one over there is James "Smoke" Porter he's a prankster and enjoys making references. Now this here is Mark "mute" Chandar a bloody genius that kid doesn't speak much he's the youngest out of us" I nodded and made a rival of Sledge by replying "well my Scottish friend I bet I can beat your records" he simply laughed "you'll die trying" I joined him in the laugh "yeah probably right then I'm off to go and make friends so mom doesn't worry." Standing up I looked around only to have my eyes stop in my old friend Craig "Blackbeard" Jensen making my way towards him I stood behind him his friend noticed me and was about to say something before I quickly moved my finger to my lips in the "shhh" motion.
             She stopped and I crouched down quickly jumper cabling Jensen he made a sound accustomed to a chihuahua getting kicked he spun around ready to attack whoever dared to do that to him only to see me dying on the floor and the rest of the Hall trying not to laugh he was pissed until he noticed it was me "holy shit (Y/n)?!" After I stopped laughing and whipped the tears from my eyes I smiled and nodded "hey buddy been awhile since Afghanistan" he clapped me on the back and nearly yelled "I oughta kill you for doing that to me" I nodded "yeah but you won't now why don't you stopped leaving your friend out and introduce her" he turned and motioned towards the admittedly attractive woman "this is Meghan "Valkyrie" Castellano one of our resident information operators" I shook her hand "you too huh? Anyway has little old Craig been giving you a hard time?" She laughed "no he's been well behaved surprisingly" I turned to him "growing up, are we?" "Yeah yeah getting the DIs off my back by throwing a party for them wasn't my best idea BUT it worked so you know suck it" I nodded turning to Valkyrie "it was a pleasure meeting you but mom wants me to make friends" she nodded slightly confused which I chuckled at and headed off to do my homework. Moving to the next table it turned out to be both the Gsg-9 and the FBI I asked Jager if the seat was empty and sat down when he confirmed it "so I know IQ, Thermite and Jager so I need to meet the rest of you I'm (Y/N) an Army Ranger and a sniper" a blonde man looked at me and said "I'm Elias "Blitz" kötz one of the shield wielders and big brother to these two delinquents" Jager raised his hand and so does the Bald man who looks extremely angry "I'm the other half of the delinquency Dominic "Bandit" Brunsmeier one of access denial operators also a prankster I'll get you eventually" I chuckled "I doubt that" looked down the table I noticed Thermite and he didn't have his goggles "so you still like the look of the goggles?" He shook his head and replied "are you kidding me? You had a responsibility god damnit" I chuckled "so who are the rest of them?" The redhead piped up "I'm Eliza "Ash" Coh-" I cut her off "are you by chance Jewish?" She nodded unsure of where I was going with the information I just started laughing she asked "what's so funny?" I replied "you're Jewish and your callsign is Ash you're a walking talking holocaust joke" thermite started laughing with me and when we settled down I apologized for cutting her off and motioned for her to continue "I'm Eliza Cohen one of the leaders selected by Harry and I'm a demolitions expert" I whistled "an impressive resume" the next one to speak up was the Pitbull look alike "I am Jack "Pulse" Estrada I'm one of the defense and information operatives" I replied "Nice to meet you Mr. World wide." He chuckled as did the last unknown of the table "I'm Miles "Castle" Campbell I'm access denial you're going to hate me in the sims" I cocked an eyebrow "sims?" He had a look of realization "you don't know about our training sims yet do you?" I shook my head no he replied "Mike will teach you the basics and everything you need to know" I stood up made some plans with Jager Thermite and Bandit and headed off to the Russian table I sat next to Glaz and said my hellos "so Timur who are your friends"
           Glaz motioned to the large man who looked like a Greek God "This is alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev" shaking his hand Timur moved on to the one with eyes that pierced you like a wolfs "this is Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda our resident trap expert" I nodded "that explains it" causing confusion throughout the table "what do you mean comrade?" Asked Tachanka "his eyes they remind me of the wolves I used to see, predatory" I replied Timur nodded understanding and moved on to the last two "This is Shuhrat "Fuze" Kessikbayev one of our explosives experts and this is Lera "Finka" Melnikova one of the medics" I shook both their hands and made some plans to tighten bonds before moving onto the GIGN

Time skip(so I don't lose my sanity)

I've made it through almost all the operators they all seem like good people but some are a bit too loud for me I thought moving onto the last table the one operator everyone was warning me about Olivier "Lion" Flament. Sitting at the table I said my hellos and asked about him "I'm one of the information gatherers I use a drone I designed and I like to be alone" I nodded my head "I get that I like designing things as well I designed a new snake cam how about music? You like that?" He put down the magazine and looked at me for the first time since I sat down "Yeah I do, mostly 80s hair rock" I nodded "yeah those are some amazing songs" and after a while we managed to become friends odd he wasn't that bad guess everyone was overdramatic. (A/N yeah lion isn't a total asshat) Making my way to Mike he nodded and stood up and we moved to the dorms Mike showed me to a room and told me "go inside drop off your bags grab your rifle and PT gear" walking inside I inquired about his past  thatcher told me about the Iranian embassy and meeting Margaret Thatcher
            Once we got to the gym I noticed two things 1.) Doc was here and 2.) there was a group of operators in MMA gear by a boxing ring "fuck let me guess theres a leaderboard and these scores effect my placement?" Thatcher nodded "you figure things out quickly" I put my gear on and punched my knuckles together "fuck it let's do this" once I got in the ring I asked what the limits were doc replied "everyone's agreed to fight with deadly intent" my laidback demeanor immediately dissipated "right then who's first?" I saw Zofia step forward and made one last joke "We just met and you're already trying to kill me?" She chuckled and we touched fists it's on now I immediately jumped back and got my guard up she pushed forwards quickly I could tell she's offensive driven when she threw the punch for my face I immediately dropped to my back wrapped legs around hers and locked

them together on her stomach pushed into her stomach and pulling on her other leg I dropped her to the ground quickly releasing and mounting her I started raining punches down on her she blocked most of them but a few slipped through a punch to th...

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them together on her stomach pushed into her stomach and pulling on her other leg I dropped her to the ground quickly releasing and mounting her I started raining punches down on her she blocked most of them but a few slipped through a punch to the jaw stunned me for a second just enough time for her to reverse and have me in a headlock if I couldn't get out of it soon I'd be done for, struggling to break free I threw several elbows back into her flanks I finally got her to release and fell back to the opposite side of the ring she got up and ran towards me she threw a kick aimed at my ribs I caught it and punched the center of her chest knocking her to the ground before I could throw a punch she threw a kick that hit the base of my neck deadening my right arm I fell back and when she got up she pushed her advantage I was good but she had too much experience she went to throw another kick
             I dodged and threw one of my own and hit her center mass buying me enough time to try to think of a way to win. She got up and with a new fury she rushed toward me I was expecting a kick but she caught me off guard by spearing me she got me in a headlock again and this time I couldn't escape not with only one arm I tapped and she released we got up and shook hands both paying respects I walked to Mike after Doc checked both of us out for any permanent damage. He had a look of pride on his face like a father would he clapped me on the back and told everyone "This will continue tomorrow dismissed" and we started walking "you did good kid most people wouldn't have even tried with a deadened arm like that" I smiled "thank you sir" he looked at me "None of that sir shite you're one of us now" I asked mike to bring me to the SEALs dorm since I wished to catch up with Craig once we got there mike said his goodbyes and I knocked on the door looking at my watch it wasn't too late only 5:30 P.M. Meghan opened the door and invited me in.

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