Worries of the wild

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

Your POV
          We were all in the mess hall after the match eating dinner, I was sitting with Gilles, Meghan, Craig, Olivier, Timur, Alexsandr, Seamus and Jordan. We were all laughing and talking about the match and I was teasing Jordan(thermite) about not getting a kill "But goggles you didn't get a kill, you blew open a wall and died" he looked at me  "what happened to you (Y/N)? You got thrown off a balcony." I laughed looked at Meghan and replied "yeah but atleast I took her with me. The only thing you took with you was the wall" we all laughed and I looked at Olivier "what about you big man? What did you think of the match?" He looked at me and then the rest and voiced "while I think diving off the balcony was a bit flashy, it was an impressive match. I did quite enjoy Doc getting shot in the face." I sighed Gilles was starting to get annoyed I put my hand on his shoulder and shook my head no "Olivier you've got to let the grudge go" he looked at me and replied "I will when he does" I looked at the ceiling and said "I'll get it done" looking back at the table I noticed Meghan looking at me weird I cocked my head to the side and asked "what?" She said "why do you do that?" Now I was even more confused "do what?" She replied "you always put it on yourself" I shrugged and Craig spoke up "he's been like that since he lost a friend in the British Commandos." Everyone looked at him Alexsandr asked "what happened?" Craig looked at me for permission I nodded he turned back to everyone and replied "the Rangers and Commandos were doing joint operations in Iran and some of the commandos had problems with each other kind of like Gustave and Olivier. Their disagreements got in the way of team work they wouldn't listen to orders and they were killed in an ambush, (Y/N) blames himself because he didn't step in to help them fix the problems so to atone for not helping them is to help everyone else he's friends with." Sledge spoke up "Aye I heard about that mission command said it was bloody massacre I never knew it was because of internal strife though" They all looked at me with pity in their eyes, god I hate being pitied. I voiced it "Don't pity me, we all knew it could happen when we signed the dotted line." They nodded solemnly all remembering the ones we lost. I stood up and Timur spoke up "where are you going comrade?" I looked over my shoulder "to talk to Gustave..." and continued walking away "...I'll be back." Walking down the hallways I made my way to Doc's office knocking on the door I hear the man himself "come in" I opened the door and walked to the table he was standing by.
            He looked up "ah (Y/N) what can I do for you" I stared him straight in the eye "forgive Olivier." The pleasant attitude dissipated immediately "I will not" I shook my head "you have to Gustave" he looked at me "why should I?" I looked at him confused "you know exactly why, problems like this cause deaths" he stayed in his spot "that will be on him, I cherish human life he let them die" I was starting to get annoyed "Gustave you need to let it go, we both know empathy can get you killed on a battlefield" Gustave looked at me "And what about off the field? What about when there's no enemies?" I stood my ground "No matter how much we want to, we can't save everyone. We both know that." My voice cracking. He would not let this go "We could have saved them" that was the final straw I snapped punching the table I yelled "God damnit Gustave! Don't you get it?! Acting like this, acting like a stuck up toddler is going to get people killed! You're a medic for Christ's sake you know you can't save everyone! I know what it's like to watch people die because they couldn't let their opinions take a backseat! Do not make me come back into this fucking office to drag you to him to fix!" Gustave was shocked and slightly scared, I could sense it. I looked at him my voice a low growl "do not test me Gustave" before I stormed out of the room slamming the door and leaving doc to think on my words. Walking back into the mess hall I sat next to Olivier and put my head down on the table. He looked at me "(Y/N) you okay?" I simply grunted. Meghan and Craig shared a look I lifted my head. They all looked at me "what happened" asked Timur looking genuinely worried, we'd become very close since I joined Rainbow. I looked at him "I yelled at Doc" they all looked shocked "Seriously? I don't think I can remember you being mad anytime other than combat" said Craig. I replied "yeah, he wouldn't relent any ground so I yelled at him when I left he looked to be mulling over my words" Olivier sighed "you didn't have to do that (Y/N)" I shook my head "no, I did." Meghan piped up "I get why you think you did, but I think you should've let them fix it themselves" I shook my head "Well M, I think we both know that wouldn't have happened." She sighed, suddenly the doors opened we looked and there was Doc I stood up and approached him "Are you ready to be an adult?" He nodded.
             Sitting him down at the table across from lion he started "Olivier, I hate what you did, I hate the decisions you made. I hate that I lost my friend because of those decisions, but..." he sighed "...I don't hate you." Olivier looked at him "I'm sorry about your friend, really I am but I did what I did because I thought it was best for the safety of everyone else. Any other choice I made could've hurt a great deal more people than the ones taken" Gustave looked down "I know" Olivier looked back at me and I nodded. Looking at Gustave, he raised his head stood up walked around the table and I readied to pounce as did alexsandr he punched lion in the face I went to intervene but Meghan grabbed my arm, looking back at her she shook her head no I turned back to the altercation and saw Lion give Doc a strong right hook. Gustave sat up "we're even now. If you want to better the relationship be in my office every Saturday by 8am" Olivier nodded and sat down again "I'll see you Saturday Gustave". I sighed in relief "I'm so glad that's over with" Meghan pat my back "you did good" I was about to reply until Harry called over the intercom "Dreamcatcher, Valkyrie, Maverick, Mira and Finka report to briefing room 1 in 5 minutes I repeat Briefing Room 1"
            I sighed and stood up waiting for Meghan and we made our way to the brief. Sitting down and talking for a couple minutes Erik(Maverick), Lera and Elena(Mira) joined us and finally Harry entered the room and had our attention. He began "now we have a developing situation in western Russia, the White Masks are making a move to secure a chemical plant to continue producing bombs. You will infiltrate the building, eliminate any enemies in the area and hold the factory until Russian Military can reach it, any questions?" Maverick raised his hand Harry looked at him "yes Erik?" He asked "Who has lead on the mission?" "(Y/N)" Maverick nodded satisfied "Any more questions? No? Dismissed you leave in 15 minutes" running to my dorm I quickly changed into recon gear.

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