Commotion in the Congo pt. 2

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

         The 10 days just crawled, all we did was lay there and watch these Masks do the same shit, over and over and over again, reminds me of that video game, anyway I'm off track.
        We were finally on our way out, I never thought I'd be so happy to go back to England, there was just one problem the masks found us while we were moving to the exfil point and now we're falling back to the LZ while under fire. On our way through a clear patch in the jungle Craig took two rounds to the leg I yelled while running to him "Cover me!" Sliding to him I looked at him "You're going to be okay" quickly picking him up in a fireman's carry slinging my rifle and yelling "moving!" Valkyrie and pulse yelled back "on your six!" Lion had moved ahead to clear it. After 27 minutes of grueling hiking and combat we reached the LZ, I crouched and let Craig rest against a tree handing him his mk17 before saying "look at me brother, you're gonna make it. I need you to shoot any enemies I don't see ok?" He nodded "I can do that." He sounded tired, "Valkyrie what's the ETA on Jager?!" She took cover "3 mikes!" I nodded before tapping Craig's face "come on buddy just stay awake for 3 minutes." I yelled for pulse "Pulse I need you here!" We all heard "Moving!" When he got to me I looked at him "you keep him awake no matter what you have to do clear?" He nodded "good I'll be back when Jager arrives." I ran and slid into the same piece of cover as Meghan I looked over flashing a smile "what's a pretty lady like you doing in a place like this?" She looked over trying not to chuckle "Not the time (Y/N)" I nodded now serious "you're right let do this." We popped over the cover and fired into the masks starting to break the tree line. I looked at my watch "2 mikes!" We had a small respite as the Masks retreated to launch a new assault. Valkyrie yelled "Ammo count!" I heard lion yell "3 mags" followed by pulse yelling "I've got 5" I looked over "I'm on 6" she nodded "I'm on 2" I looked at pulse "Pulse trade guns with Valkyrie." He quickly ran over and took her mpx before running back to Craig "pulse how is he?!" He yelled back "he needs to get out of here now!"looking at my watch "1 minute!" Right then rounds started flying as Lion yells "Merde!" Before we started firing back I heard Valk's radio come to life "hello mein freund, how have you been?" She yelled into the radio "LZ is hot, we have wounded. this will be a hot exit!" Jager replied "roger, get those guns hot! Doc make ready for wounded! Alright meine freunde eta 36 seconds." Valkyrie looked relieved, I said "it's not over yet" she put her war face on and started firing again. We could hear the helicopters and we all had a sigh of relief as the mini gun started ripping into the forest. I ran back to pulse and Blackbeard "how's he holding up?!" I yelled over the sound of the helicopter pulse yelled back "Not good he's drifting in and out of consciousness" I radioed Jager "We need to get Blackbeard out of here now!" He responded by slowly lowering the helicopter to the ground.
          Putting him in a fireman's carry one more time I hustled to the helicopter before sliding him in. I turned and started firing towards the masks as Lion Pulse and Valkyrie got in. I just sat on the floor of the heli and started firing and then I saw it "RPG!" Jager ripped the stick back quickly gaining altitude but the quick acceleration threw me out of the heli and to the ground 5 meters below. I heard valkyrie on my radio "(Y/N)! Come on speak to me!" I quickly yelled "Get out of here! Go! What the fuck are you waiting for?! Go, I'll be ok!" I punched the ground before grabbing my mk17 and firing. My rifle cleared empty as I was hit in the face by the butt of an L85 and everything went black.
               I came to when ice cold water impacted my bare chest, chained to the wall. Squinting I could just barely make out the outline of 3 men, one sitting 2 standing on either side wielding weapons. "What are Rainbow's intentions?" I just laughed "you think I'm going to give up my team?" He stood up "you'll crack, they always do" before leaving, the other two men left. After 3 minutes of agonizing silence, 2 men came in with bamboo sticks. I internally prepared myself for the pain, this is gonna sting like a bitch. They chuckled and started swinging I grit my teeth I would not give these bastards the satisfaction of hearing me scream. They must've gotten bored after 20 minutes of hitting me as they left. The room must've been sound proof since it is silent, I can't even hear someone banging on the door. I gained some hope remembering Meghan left her cameras up so we could monitor the base while we planned an assault. They left me there in that silent room for another hour where I just tried to remember the sounds of those annoying ass songs that just play on repeat like Never gonna give you up.
           Finally the man came back into the room "I hope you enjoy this room, we had it specially sound proofed for you." Are you fucking kidding me?! I laughed "you know your bruisers are pretty shit at their job, they couldn't even get me to scream" he laughed "I'm not surprised Rangers are supposed to be extremely tough" my breathing hitched How do they know I'm from the Rangers? Looking at him "so you know about me?"

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