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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

Your POV
          Walking to my door I dropped off my gear and grabbed some comfortable clothes before walking into the bathroom and taking a shower. Once I got dressed, I looked and saw someone who wanted to kill me before sighing and looking away from the mirror and limping towards the med-bay. Once I arrived doc walked over and asked to see the wound I pulled my pants so he could see my lower thigh he examined it and looked to Lion "get me a stun and some bandages" Olivier nodded and went to retrieve the things." Gustave looked at me "just couldn't stay out of trouble" I chuckled "you know me" he nodded while sighing. I looked towards Meghan's bed "how's she holding up?" He looked at her "she'll be off the field for a couple weeks luckily it's all just flesh wounds" I nodded he looked back to me "you however will be fine in 2 weeks" I sighed "fuck me I'm going to be so bored" he nodded "that's why you don't get shot." Olivier walked back with the gear and gave it to doc "here you go, (Y/N) what did I tell you about getting shot?" I sighed "to not do it. You know i wasn't doing a dance with a sign that said shoot me, right?" He laughed "yes." Doc stood up and started walking away before looking at me "she'll be up soon" I nodded and took a seat by Meghans bed. Olivier went to help doc with the recruits. After 26 minutes she started to wake up. She went to sit up before I stopped her "hey hey meg relax you're okay, just stay down or you'll open your stitches" she looked at me and nodded. "How ya feeling?" She looked at me "well my shoulder hurts like a bitch and I'm hungry as hell so all around pretty good" I stood up "what do you want?" She looked at me "I'll run down to the mess hall and grab you food what do you want?" She nodded and told me "I could go for a hamburger and fries" I nodded "all American I see" and started walking to the door "I'll be back." Running to the mess hall I see taina at the front of the line. Walking up to her I asked "taina I know you hate me but can I get in front of you so I can get Meghan some food?" She looked at me weirdly before nodding "thank you so much" I jumped the barricade got meghans food and paid for both hers and Taina's before making a pace towards the med bay once I entered I looked at meg and put the food on the table next to her before sitting down. I looked out the window and thought maybe I'll go to the reservation. My thoughts were broken by Meghan asking "how's your leg?" I looked over "I'm off field for 2 weeks" she nodded "how long am I off field?" I looked down "3 or 4 weeks" Meghan sighed "shit." Gustave walked over "well I've got good news since Finka managed to treat the wounds as soon as she did you'll be out of here tomorrow, don't push yourself too much" Meghan looked happy "thank god" I chuckled and stood up moving to the door "where are you going (N/N(nickname))" looked back at her "I've got to talk to Harry" before exiting the room and making my way to Harry's office. Knocking on the door I heard "come in" walking in I sat down in front of Harry "Ah (Y/N) what do you need?" "I'd like to go back to America for a few days" he looked surprised "why?" "I was wounded on the last mission and have 2 weeks off the field before I'm ready for combat, I want to go visit my mother" he nodded "how's Meghan?" I looked out the window "bed bound until tomorrow she's off the field for a couple weeks around 3-4" Harry looked at me "you feel guilty don't you?" I nodded "It's my fault, she shouldn't have even been in that position" he nodded before replying "what would you have done to change the outcome?" I shrugged "maybe put myself in between the wolf and her?" He shook his head "you couldn't have, you still had to deal with the other wolf." I sighed "I could've reloaded and shot the wolves" Harry looked on "and risk shooting Meghan?" I looked at him "you know you make it very hard to blame yourself for something" he smiled "that's my job, anyway you've permission to visit your mom" I nodded and stood on my way out "have a nice night Harry."
         Walking back to the med-bay I sat next to Meghan and we talked for 2 hours before I told Meghan to get some sleep and left to my dorm to pack. Getting up in the morning at seven I grabbed my bag went to see Meghan before going to the airport after boarding I took a nap since it's an 11 hour flight. Once I arrived I called a cab and got a ride to my mothers house. Knocking on the door, she opened it cautiously until she saw it was me to then throw the door open and drag me inside. I smiled and laughed while she rambled on. "Mom... mom I know you're excited but I can't understand a word you're saying" she calmed down and released me "how have you been little wolf?" I smiled "fairly well off" she asked about Craig "and what about your navy friend.... Craig was it?" I laughed "yes it's Craig and he's doing well, I'm home for a couple of days before going back to base." She smiled "good I've got a lot of work for you to do" I sighed even after not seeing each other for a year she still gives me chores. She looked at me "you said you got transferred right?" I nodded "yes u-ni-tsi((Mother)pronounces U-Nee-Chi)" she nodded "how are you liking the new unit?" I chuckled "they're a mess but they're good people." She looked at me "how about getting a girlfriend?" I looked at her "u-ni-tsi, stop you ask everytime I come an visit" she looked at me "Well little wolf, I want grandkids" I laughed "that's a long way off" she sighed "I was afraid so" I shook my head she asked one more question "so why are you here?" I looked over "what? I'm not allowed home?" She looked at me "you only come home when something happened, it's a holiday or you're injured" I sighed "alright you caught me I got shot" she continued "I thought so but there's something else" I looked at her "What kind of powers do you have woman!?" "I'm a mother it's my job to know you" I sighed "fine fine my friend Meghan got bit by a wolf" she pressed "it's bothering you pretty strongly" I nodded "she's one of my best friends, you know how I am." Mom sighed "yeah, sadly I do." I looked down "I don't know what to do." She nodded "just give it time and all will be revealed." I looked up"I don't want to wait tho." She nodded "I know, but like most things patience is key to seeing everything clearly" I sighed damn this woman and her ability to make sense "how are the other members of the Clan?" She looked out the window "a couple of them have new members of the family, a couple are like me waiting for our little ones to give us grand babies, and a couple of the younger boys are thinking about joining the military" I nodded looking at a picture of my grandfather "do you have any wisdom to pass on?" My mother looked over "he'd be proud of you and the path you walk" I kept studying the picture "I hope so, I wonder if he's looking down from the Great Ones court yelling at me because I'm missing something." She laughed "maybe, maybe"
           "Do you need anything else done?" She said no. I nodded grabbed my bag and walked into my old room, it was like a time capsule everything in the same spot I left it. I felt my mother's presence behind me "I haven't touched anything since you were last here" I looked at her "why?" "If I didn't change it, it's like you never left" her voice quivered. I turned "Mom, you know as well as I do our family are warriors I couldn't move through life living a 9 to 5" she sighed "I can still wish" I chuckled "yeah I suppose so."
          By the third day,  I was missing Meghan and the others. It was fun to be home and catch up with my mom but sitting around doing nothing was killing me. At the moment, I was watching lazy town with a couple of the younger kids and my mom walked in as "We are Number One" started playing  only to see the kids and I singing along to it. She recorded it secretly while trying not to laugh. Once the song ended we all started laughing. As did my mother, I sat up and looked at my mother "oh hello" she chuckled "having fun?" "Yes, yes I am" she nodded and walked off. Standing up I looked at the kids "alright come on time to get home" there was a chorus of dissent "I'll carry you" there were cheers as I picked up the 4 children yelling to mom "I'll be back I've got to get the kids home!" she yelled back "be back soon!" After walking to their houses and letting their moms know that they behaved I walked back home. Day 4 came and I spent it mostly having archery contests with some of the 20 year olds. They were good but made a couple of mistakes. Craig has texted me asking when I'd be back I replied "tomorrow at around 5 why?" He replied "this place is boring as hell without you here" I replied "I'm having some good fun on my end" he sent one last message "you jackass just get back here soon we all miss you."
           The kids had to go to work so I grabbed my rod and gear and went fishing. One of the kids thinking about joining the Army came and joined me we talked for a while about his reasons and what he wanted to do. I gave him a number for a friend of mine who's a physical conditioner for people who want to join. The kid thanked me and excitedly ran off to tell his mother. After another hour with no bites, I called it quits and went back to my mothers house to start packing and make sure I had everything I needed. Walking into the living room I looked at my mother "I leave at 6 tomorrow" she nodded solemnly "any idea when you'll be back?" I looked at the calendar "well Christmas leave is in a month so I'll be back for atleast 3 days then" she looked happy "a lot sooner than past times" I nodded as we moved to the kitchen to get dinner.
         Waking up the next day I went to the airport and took the long flight back to Hereford. Once landing I walked out the doors to see Craig and Meghan waiting for me. Smiling I walked over to them and gave them both a hug "I missed you two" they replied "we missed you too." We got in the truck and Meghan looked at me "what'd you do at your moms?" I pulled out my phone and showed her the video she laughed and replied "seems your good with kids" I laughed "they're good kids" she nodded. I asked "how's your arm?" She looked back "better, still got a long way to go but" I nodded "good, let me know if you need anything alright?" She nodded and Craig piped up "did you do anything besides babysit?" I looked towards him "we had an archery competition and my mother gave me some advice." He nodded "as moms often do."

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