Going home

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      As we landed doc and one of the medics loaded me onto a stretcher and into the med-bay. I got put on a bed next to Craig. When they brought me in Craig looked over "Holy Shit (Y/n)! What happened to you?" I replied "torture, you know the usual. How about you?" He looked down "when I came to we were landing, I looked around thinking we won to see Meghan crying and everyone else looking depressed as shit. I didn't see you. I figured you died on the way out." I chuckled "you know there's a reason we're sent to save seals Craig" he joined me in laughing "yeah I suppose so." At that moment Meghan came flying through the doors, she frantically searched the room until she saw us. She ran towards my bed before doc stopped her, "Meghan... Meghan! I know you're excited to see him, but he's pretty banged up be gentle with him. Okay?" She nodded "of course" Gustave got out of her way and she started running again. When she reached my bed she grabbed my hand "I thought you were dead," Her voice barely above a whisper "I thought I lost you." She was on the verge of crying. "I missed you" I said my own voice quivering. we were about to continue talking when Gustave and Olivier came over "I'm sorry to intrude Frère, but we need to wrap your chest." I tried leaning forward but fell back. Meghan helped me forward and held me while Gustave and Olivier they wrapped my chest with gauze. When they left, I looked at Meghan "I heard you were crying" she nodded looking down "last I saw you were getting knocked out and dragged away by White Masks. I didn't want to leave you but we couldn't go back for you." I nodded "I understand, I don't blame you." She looked up "you should though, we're best friends and I left you to be tortured for a week" I shook my head "Meghan I would've broke if you were there, I was able to stay strong because I knew you were safe." She sighed "I guess, I missed you a lot. It wasn't the same without you here." I looked at the ceiling "I missed you too. I missed you so much." Craig looked over "for Christ sake (Y/N) just tell her already" Meghan perked up "tell me what?" I sighed "you're right Craig I've waited too long as it is." Meghan was getting impatient "what are you two talking about?" Looking at my lap I replied "Meghan Castellano," looking up at her "I love you" she froze in shock staring wide eyed I tapped her cheek "meg? Meg you there?" It finally registered and she broke into a smile "I love you too"
"Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" She nodded "yes, I've been waiting for a while" I heard Craig speak again "fuckin' hell took you long enough" I looked over "I know, 2 months of waiting" looking back I said "I'm really tired I think I'm gonna take a nap" she nodded smiling "I'll be here when you wake up, I'm not going anywhere" She looks genuinely happy i thought as I laid down and closed my eyes.
            2 hours later I woke up to Meghan moving, blinking the sleep out of my eyes I sat up. She looked back "sleep okay?" I nodded "a lot prettier of a face to wake up to" she blushed lightly before Gustave walked over "you've got 2 months of off time since your ribs are cracked, you've got bruising on your rib cage, acid burns on your flank and burns on your ankle" I sighed "physical therapy?" He shook his head no "once everything heals you'll be fine" I sighed in relief. I was about to ask where Harry was when he walked in "Ah (Y/N) nice to see you're back with us" I nodded "since I'm getting 2 months off can I have Craig and Meghan come with me?" He looked confused "why?" I looked at the ceiling "well my mom wants to meet Meghan and they're spending Christmas with my family so I figure having 2 strong Navy SEALs to help around the house would be beneficial especially after I'm rendered essentially crippled" he nodded "and this by no means has anything to do with meghan and you dating?" I looked down "you caught me but the reasons I gave are true as well" Harry looked thoughtful "you've done a lot for us since you joined 4 months ago I'll allow it" I looked him in the eyes "thank you Harry, really it means a lot" he waved me off "you're one of my operators (Y/N) I take care of my operators plus you just suffered a week of torture to protect the rest of my operators it's the least I could do." I looked at Gustave "when am I being released?" He looked at the tablet "tomorrow. Just keep your body out of strain and relax for 2 months." I sighed "you're killing me doc" he laughed "I suppose but I think Meghan will if you push yourself" I looked at her to see her glaring at me "okay Okay you win" she stopped glaring quickly.
        She nodded and Harry chuckled "reminds me of my wife." Meghan turned red and I chuckled "maybe one day" he nodded before walking out the door. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling "so Craig looking forward to seeing my mom and getting the cookies?" He looked over "fuck yes. That woman is a saint and her cookies could turn the devil into a puppy" Meghan leaned forward on my bed "are they really that good?" I heard Craig start foaming at the mouth I looked over at Meghan "yes, Craig's said many times it's like a piece of heaven" she looked thoughtful "so like classic grandmas cooking" I nodded "yes exactly that."
         "Hey meg, you wanna give me my phone?" She handed it over "thanks." I put in my mother's number and waited for her to answer after a couple rings she picked up "hello? Who's this?" I smiled "hi mom" she gasped "(Y/N)? Is that you?" I replied "yeah mom it's me" she sounded like she was crying "Mario told me you got captured" I looked down "yeah I got thrown from a helicopter when it evaded an RPG." She immediately went into protective mom mode "you're okay right? Anything broken?" I smiled "mom.. mom I'm alright I got some damage after the tumble but I'm mostly okay now" she sounded relieved "are you coming home? Its almost Christmas." I laughed "yes u-ni-tsi ill be home either tomorrow or the day after that with Craig and my friend Meghan I was telling you about" I could hear my mom getting excited "you're bringing a girl home?" I sighed "yes mom I'm bringing a girl home" "maybe you'll get together and give me grandbabies" I sighed "mom you aren't getting grandchildren any time soon and I gotta talk to you about that first part" she gasped "does that mean the girl you're bringing home is your girlfriend?" I looked at Meghan "yeah I am" I could practically feel the happiness radiating through the phone "mom breathe" I hear her take a huge breath "I can't wait for you guys to get here" I laughed "I know I'll see you when we get there okay?" She sighed "don't take too long." "I'll try not to bye love you" she laughed "love you too" I hung up and looked at Meghan "moms excited to meet you, she says she wants grandbabies," turning to Craig "mom said she'll have cookies ready for you" turning back to Meghan "yes I told her no that's a long way off" and then I laughed as I saw her cheeks burning red.
         She sighed "I have a feeling my face is gonna be red for the two months were at your house" I nodded "probably" she laughed. I laid back "I'm taking a nap because I'm exhausted" she looked at me weird "you just woke up" I looked at her "and I'm tired again, I'm getting old." She laughed "you're 34" I sat up "I'm old" before laying back down "you're a child" I popped back up "you're dating me what's that make you?" She sighed "move over I'm tired and these chairs are shit for sleeping" I heard Craig behind me "remember kids only fools don't wrap their tools" I looked at him "Don't make fart on your pillow motherfucker" he looked at me "what kind of strange punishment is that?" I shrugged "get fucked" before turning back and closing my eyes
            I woke up the next morning and Meghan was no where to be found I sat up quickly "Meghan?" I heard Craig say "she went to get food" Olivier walked in the room at that moment "she'll be back in a minute she was in line behind me and Gustave was talking to her when I left" nodding I looked at the ceiling just then Gustave and Meghan walked in Meghan putting a tray on the table near my bed "why didn't you wake me up meg?" She looked over "you just got out of enemy hands after being tortured for a week, I'd much rather you sleep then push your body already" I sighed "you know I know you're right but I really don't want to sit in this bed" Gustave walked over "come on, let's get you up on your feet." I looked at him "why are you enabling me? Who are you!? What did you do with Gustave?!" He sighed "stop being an idiot, I'm trying to see if you can get sent home today" I nodded and swung my feet off the bed Meghan quickly moved around the bed ready to catch me if I fell doc let go of my arms and my legs almost gave out before I got my balance and getting my strength back. He looked at me "try taking a step" slowly but sure I got used to walking again.
        Meghan nodded with a smile "impressive" Gustave looked me over "well soldier you're on your way home" trying to sound like an American. I laughed "nice accent" he nodded "I've been working on it" Craig stood up and grabbed me some new clothes before walking over "come on you're a big boy change into clothes that aren't rags and we'll get on the plane and head to your house." I nodded as they left me to change.
        After changing I walked with Meghan to her bunk and helped her pack. It went quickly and within 30 minutes we're on the plane heading home I grabbed her hand she looked over and smiled before resting her head on my shoulder as we started watching movies. I could hear Craig behind me talking in his sleep "cookies" and the likes. Eventually we landed and Meghan was so excited "I'm about to meet your mother!" I laughed "yes just be prepared to be interrogated" she nodded as we moved to get into my mothers car. Craig got the front seat and Meghan and I took the back.

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