Christmas pt. 2

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Disclaimer:all pictures are owned by the respective artists, Ubisoft owns all characters except for the ones I've obviously put into story

   "Officer Hudson I'm going to buy what I came here for and I'll wait outside to give my statement" walking over to the 12 case and peanuts I walked to the counter "Exciting evening huh?" The teen nodded "thank you for talking him down, I was terrified" I sighed "yeah typically I would've shot but I saw he was just a scared kid" the teen looked over "I heard you were a soldier, right?" I smiled "yes, I'm  Cpt. (L/N)" the kid looked up "what branch?" I replied "Army" the kid frowned "the Navy's better" cocking an eyebrow "why's that?" The kid was getting excited now "the Navy Seals are so badass!" I smiled "yes they are, My girlfriend is one. Are you familiar with The Lone Survivor?" The kid nodded quickly "of course, I want to be a SEAL once I graduate" I nodded "so you know who saved Marcus?" The shy kid was gone he was outgoing and excited now "the navy" I sighed "is that what Army Rangers are classified as now? We're navy?" The kid looked confused "seals saved Marcus Luttrell, didn't they?" I laughed "they were a relief force for us Army Rangers who'd been up on those mountains for several days by then." The kid looked at me wary now "how do you know so much?" I smiled "because I was on that Op, and I'm still friends with Marcus after pulling him out of that village." The kid didn't believe me "no way, there's no way!" I pulled out my phone and moved through the pictures before finding the one with Marcus and showed it to the kid "Holy shit! You weren't kidding"
I chuckled "I wasn't kidding about my girlfriend being a SEAL either." He looked star-struck I looked at him judging him "square up your hair, get in contact with this guy," giving him the card of my military conditioning buddy "spend the rest of high school doing his routine as you work him with, No days off, And eat healthy. Do that and you'll walk into boot camp being the meanest mother fucker there." He nodded before saluting I smiled before saluting and walking outside to my car.
Waiting for officer Hudson to walk over my phone went off it was Meghan I answered trying to be sweet since I knew she'd be mad "hi dear" I heard the heavy breathing "where are you?! It's been 45 minutes for peanuts and whatever you went to get!" I replied keeping my voice calm "there was a robbery. I was here so I stepped in. I'm about to give my statement and then I'm on my way home" Meghan was still upset "you couldn't tell me?! Let me know you're okay?!" I sighed "Meg I wanted to. I literally just took the 12 pack out of the fridge when I heard the kid. I had no time to call anyone. I'm sorry" she paused before replying "you're okay. It's just worrying when your crippled child of a boyfriend just gets up and leaves after asking what his mom needs and doesn't come back 45 minutes later." I pouted "I'm not a cripple child" I heard her giggle "you're pouting right now" I sighed "how do you know?" She laughed "I know you too well" I looked at the stars "how you feeling? You were pretty mad when you called" she sighed "I'm still pretty upset but now for a different reason" I continued looking at the stars "something to do with me stepping in?" I heard her breath deeply "yeah, I know I can't stop you but I don't like it. I don't like the idea of you in danger" I chuckled "I know, but I saved that kids life. If I didn't step in he would've been shot. I can't let a 23 year old kid die over a shit decision" Meghan sighed "I know (N/N), I know. Just be safe for me okay?" I replied "of course M, I'll be home in a bit the officers coming for a statement. Bye, I love you"
She replied "see you soon, I love you too" before I hung up. Hudson came over "Cpt. In your own words what happened prior to our arrival?" I sighed before looking at the squad car "I was in the back of the store getting a case of beer and peanuts. I heard the door fly open and someone yell "give me the fucking money" I moved to the end of row before seeing the defendant holding a gun towards the cashier. I came out of cover and lifted my pistol before explaining my job and trying to make a connection. After 5 minutes I managed to break through and talk him into giving me the gun. I made a promise to get his sister situated. Shortly after you all arrived and I came out and explained the situation and now we're here" she nodded "thank you Cpt. You can go home to your family. We might need you for the trial in order to actually get a lighter sentence" I nodded "if I can be there I will, let me know if I can help." She nodded "thank you, have a nice night" I smiled "you as well Officer."
I called Meghan "hey I'm on my way home I'll be there in 7" I could hear the happiness "good, we were starting to wonder if it got worse" I smiled "I'm gonna hang up so I can start driving" she replied "hurry home, I missed you." I laughed "I'll be there soon" before hanging up and starting the car. Quickly getting back to the road, and noticing it's empty I put my foot down and started accelerating coming to rest at 10 over the limit.
        I made fast time pulling into the driveway 5 minutes. I rubbed my eyes before getting out of the car and grabbing the beer case and peanuts walking to the door. I opened it and kicked the snow off my shoes before closing the door and putting the beer in the fridge and placing the peanuts on the counter walking towards my room I yelled "Mom your peanuts are on the counter! Craig and Dave there's beer in the fridge take some if you want it!" Taking my shoes off I placed them on the heater before taking my belt off and hanging it on the coat hanger. Walking back towards the bed I took my shirt off and threw it into the basket. I was about to lay down when Meghan walked in "you okay?" I looked down while sitting down "just stressed to shit" she nodded "why don't we get some sleep? It might help" I nodded "sounds good" laying back Meghan quickly stripped down to underwear and an oversized shirts before laying down.  I wrapped my arms around her pulling close my last thought of consciousness were she smells like cinnamon.
Waking up I sighed, we had to go back to base today. Sitting up I looked at meghan sighing I whacked her ass causing her to bolt upright "come on get up we need to pack so we can catch our plane tonight" she sighed "I don't want to go back." I laughed "the seals a civilian for a week and she doesn't want to go back to being a soldier" she sighed "you're right." I chuckled "what do I have to do to get you out of this bed?" "Coffee and kisses." I laughed "that's it?" She nodded. Walking around the bed I pulled her up and kissed her after 20 seconds I pulled back "enough?" She nodded "for now, I'll require more later" chuckling "your will my lady"
After making sure everything was packed and we weren't forgetting something I walked over to Meghan and stood behind her wrapping my arms around her waist "you look good" she smiled "thank you" I grabbed her side causing her to shriek before I released and retreated laughing while she tackled me "is that fucking funny?" I kept laughing "you bet your ass it is" she went to my side and started tickling me "Is it funny now?" I'm still laughing this time for a different reason "no, no it's not. it's not funny, it was never funny" she stopped and sat back "good, now come on it's time for breakfast and you haven't started cooking" I sighed "I swear you only love me for my cooking" she gasped "how could you? I love you for your cooking and your cuddling, duh." I laughed "you're a brat" she smiled "I know"
Standing up I told her "put on some pants and come with me I'll make you what you want for breakfast since it's our last day as a civilian for a while" waiting while she threw on sweatpants we went to the kitchen with her sitting on the counter "okay, what do you want?" She looked thoughtful "French toast, sausage links and bacon and some eggs" I looked over "anymore?" She glared "are you calling me fat?" I laughed wholeheartedly "no, never. Just surprised that you asked for so much you don't typically ask for that much." She chuckled "yeah because you don't cook at Rainbow so I'm trying to get the most out of it." Nodding, I got the stuff I needed and set to making her food. I started with the sausage links and Bacon since I can do them together. I looked at Meghan I asked "what do you think Harry called us back for?" She thought about it "probably a big operation, for what I don't know" I nodded before proposing "Maybe Nøkk found their main base and we're prepping an assault" Meghan gasped "I fucking hope so" I looked over an eyebrow raised "why?" She looked at me "if we finish the fight with the White Mask, we'll have more time to make memories and ride. We can relax. Do simple missions we used to do before we started going for bigger and riskier targets. The objectives are getting bigger and tougher and we're not upping our strength. I want the simple shit back" I sighed "I do too, I like the sound of going on a bike ride and making memories. The team strength problem needs to be addressed as well. In the Congo it was 5 vs a minimum of 100, we only survived because Jager is an amazing pilot and the guns were ready. If he wasn't there we would've had to fall and call Broken Arrow and tried to survive until the air support arrived, that's not how tier 1 operators are suppose to operate." She nodded as I changed to start making the French toast "it's bullshit. It's like he's trying to get us killed, we're under informed, undermanned and under armed." I looked over "I'll bring it up at the briefing, we need to fix these problems." I started thinking "hey meg?" She looked over "Hmm?" "Do you think we're in over our head?" She was quiet as I switched to wisk the eggs "yeah, I think we are" I nodded "I mean look at the Middle East we went in to kill Taliban and then Al Qaeda and then ISIS and now White Mask. No matter what we do there's always someone else to take their place under a new flag." Meghan nodded "you're right, I used to want to fight the masks so badly but it's just tiring and annoying now" I sighed "I think I'm going to retire soon" Meghan looked over "really?" I nodded as I finished up the eggs "yeah, it's just tiring and I've seen some shit no one should, someone will take my place when I leave, they always do " I saw Meghan mulling over my words "I think I'm gonna join you, I'm too tired to continue fighting this fight. All that happens is I lose more friends the longer I survive" I looked down "I'll tell you when I figure I'm going to retire" she nodded "sounds like a plan" I walked over and hugged her kissing her forehead "come on let's eat" grabbing the two plates with the food and we sat down just teasing each other I noticed no one was home "where's everyone?" Meghan stood up and walked to the window "there's no cars, maybe they went for groceries?" I nodded "maybe" as Meghan sat down  and we finished breakfast. Standing up with the plates I carried the plates to the sink. Walking back into the bedroom Meghan was grabbing clothes she looked over "I'm gonna take a shower since we leave tonight." I nodded "I'll be in the living room when you get out."

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