District 1 Reaping

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Sparkle Gold's P.O.V

"Why this year?" My best friend Anita complains.

"You can volunteer next year, this year's mine to win." I say. She rolls her eyes. We've been training partners since we were six, she knows me way too well. Our training coach told me it would be a good idea to volunteer, I'm by far the strongest girl in my training group.

"Just hope you'll be the first to say it." She says. It's my turn to roll my eyes. Here in District 1 it's a race to shout out the words "I volunteer!" I'm almost positive that in the last five years that I've really paid attention to who's name was drawn, the person who was reaped never went into the arena. Anita walks over to a group of my friends from school. We all nod at each other. This group of us has trained all our lives to become tributes. Sadly, I'm not in the mood for chatting.

The reaping doesn't begin for another hour or so, still many of us are in the large square. I hear a group of fifteen-year-olds practising their "I volunteers" Like they're going into the arena. Not before me! 

"Hey Sparkle! You trying to volunteer!?" My friend Liv shouts. She's followed by the rest of my clique. We're the most popular kids in school, we're rich, smart, and in my opinion way cooler then anyone else. I nod at Liv, she smiles. We've all trained for this.

"You look great." My friend Maxim says. I flash him a huge, flirty smile. I have to admit, I do look good. I wear a white summer dress that shows of my thin, slender body. The dress goes a couple inches above my knee. The material's gorgeous. I twist my golden tiger pendant around my finger. It's a present from my parents. It costs a fortune, though my families probably one of the richest around here. This pendant probably costs as much as four years worth of expensive food.

The reaping should start in about twenty minutes. The square's already jammed packed. Since District 1 has a massive population the square contains only twelve to eighteen-year-olds. Everyone else is directed to nearby streets where they can watch on the large screens brought here from the Capitol. 

Finally our escort Mirilda Matilade enters the stage. Her wig is a bright yellow that's painful to the eyes. She wears her teal blue suit with a yellow flower on the pocket. Liv nudges we. I giggle.

"Welcome to the reaping of the one thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth Hunger Games!" She says then takes a deep breath. The crowd laughs. Here in District 1 the reaping's supposed to be a fun event. The mayor begins a dull speech about the history of Panem and the Games. I snicker with my friends. We try and think of what guy will volunteer. I bet twenty dollars on an eighteen-year-old with one eye. Liv and Anita laugh as I point at him.

Finally the mayor's finished. We smoothly applaud right on time.

"Now lets introduce our mentors!" Mirilda screams into the microphone. There's huge applause from the crowd.

"Nate! Nate!" We cheer. He gives us a wave. The female mentor is Iyra Holt. She won about ten years ago. I clearly remember cutting out her final kill, a guy from District 2's heart and holding it  in the air when her name was announced as the winner. Though her final tactics were a bit... odd, I still have to admire her. 

"Now lets pick our tributes!" Mirilda screams into the microphone once again. We cheer crazily.

"Good luck." Maxim whispers into my ear.

"Lets start with our ladies!" She digs into the ball and pulls out the name.


"I volunteer!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I'm lucky, I'm pretty close to the front. The only ones in front of me are the eighteen-year-olds. They clear the path for me. I notice a girl who I do my gymnastics training with is giving me the evil eye. Usually most tributes wait till they're eighteen to volunteer. I'm guessing she wanted to. Oops! Not.

"What's your name?" Mirilda asks me.

"Sparkle Gold!" I say gleefully. Merilda calls for applause. I spot my eighteen-year-old cousin Hope smiling at me. I try and look for my friends but I can't spot them.

"Now for our boys..."


"I volunteer!" Shouts a boy out of the eighteen-year-old section. He's got dark hair, pale skin, and one very familiar grey eye. I think only one thought...

Wow I just made twenty bucks today!

Odin En's P.O.V

So far, the day's gone great. I'm tribute and I'm almost on the train. Now there's only the annoying wait of the others saying good-bye to their families. The one thing I don't have to do. My parents died when I was a kid. An old woman looked after me till I was five, then died and since then I've fought for myself. I'm actually happy it turned out that way. I know how to fend for myself. It might work to my advantage in the arena. 

I know the girl tribute that was picked. Sparkle Gold. She's from an extremly rich family. Her parents pay for her combat, and seperate gymnastics training. Gymnastics is only for the very rich. She has a cousin in my class. Her cousin claims she's a brat. I'll probably take her as an ally though, she does train in my training class. 

Times up for Sparkle. Her friends are escorted out and we're lead to the train.

Sparkle Gold's P.O.V

"Good luck." My friends say to me. Liv hugs me tightly. Anita's twisting my smooth brown hair around her finger. Maybe she's nervous that i won't come back. I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I'm surprised my parents haven't said good-bye to me, though they're probably busy.

"You can win, I know it." Maxim whispers into my ear. I smile at him. I like him, I really do. Maybe we can date when I come back.

"Watch out for Odin, he looks dangerous." My cousin Anjulie says. She's eighteen and in Odin's class, so I probably should listen to her.

"You can do it! see you soon!" Liv says. They're escorted out. I hear a chorus of good lucks. They all hug me before I leave. I have to come back. I just have to. I meet Odin at the back exit of the Justice Building that leads to the train. I meet his eyes, or should I say eye.

Yes, I have to watch out for him.

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