District 4 Reaping

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Tate McHardy P.O.V

"I'm starving Tate." My younger brother Semus complains. I'd joke back to him if he weren't so sick. So close to dying. We barely get enough to eat around here.

"I'll steal us something special." I say and slowly close the door of our little shack behind me. My parents are already out on the old family boat trying to get a few fish into the market for some money before the reaping starts. 

I wander down to the square. In most Districts the square would be more grand, all the shops would be closed too. Not here in Four. Most people want every last bit of coin they can get. Most of them don't even need it. Definitely the shopkeepers would be some of those people. 

There are quite a few people gathered in the square. It's six in the morning, six hours till the reaping starts. The Capitol T.V crews are starting to set up the cameras now. They're so focused. Too focused. 

I search for the nearest equipment bag and pull out a small digital camera. I should be able to sell this for some food. No shopkeepers have spotted me stealing the camera. Now, who to sell it to?

I spot Orden, he owns one of the fruit stands. Earlier last week he caught me with my hand in an apple sack. I barely got out of that one. Revenge should be sweet.

"Hey I you told me you never to come back here girl!" Orden says in his annoyed, gruff voice as I approach.

"I was just hoping to sell this to you." I say sweetly. I've gotten so good at lying now, good enough to put food on my families table.

"Where'd you get that?"

"My uncle sent it from District 3, he's an inventor, he gave it to my father as a late birthday present." Lying's just getting easier and easier. He studies me for a second, trying to tell if I'm lying. My eyes give nothing away.

"Then why you given it to me?"

"My brother's sick and my family could use a bit of extra food." I say smoothly. He pitches a price. I take it though it's a tad bit too low for liking. The only reason I take it is because the camera guy is looking around the square and is headed in our direction. I take the money and hide behind the stall. This should be good.

"Hey! Is that my camera?" The camera guy yells at Orden. Three Peacekeeper's stand behind him. 

"I don't know, girl tell me that an uncle from three give it to her." Orden says gruffly, unaware that the Peacekeeper's could kill him at any second. While the man questions Orden I crawl to the storage part of the stall and grab some apples, pears, grapes, peaches, and a whole watermelon! I stuff my items in my backpack. Semus should be pleased.

Finn Conch P.O.V

"You ready?" My fifteen-year-old younger brother Mako asks. All his life he's wanted to go into the Games. He probably will when he turns eighteen. He's already great with a trident, though my twin sister Aqua says I'm much better.

I've always wondered if I could be a tribute in the Games. I've never wanted to. My training coach said I should, considering I'm the strongest swimmer in my training group. Even Mako can't come close to my skill.

"Ugh, lets just get this reaping done with." Aqua groans. She's probably the only girl in District 4 who trains but utterly hates the Games. She and Mako are constantly bickering about it. It seems like I'm the only voice of reason in the house. My parents left early this year on a big fishing trip and should be back a couple weeks from now. Till then I'll have to keep Mako and Aqua in line.

I throw on a white collared shirt that looks polished and nice. Mako's constantly saying how girls at school are always talking about me. Personally I don't really care. I just try and act like a nice guy. That's how you get recognized around these parts.

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