The Games Day 5

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Sparkle Gold's P.O.V

I hear a shuffling coming from the bushes. Weird sounds too. What the hell's going on in there! Maybe it's Katelyn and Odin. I don't know about Katelyn, but I know Odin's been crazy about her since the Games started. The last thing I need to do is disturb them.

"Wow..." Says the smooth, sexy sounding voice of a girl who's definitely not Katelyn. That's when I remember the only guys left are Odin, Xeno, and Maddox. No, Maddox would never do that...

"Oh Maddox..." The girl trails off again. No...

"What the hell Maddox!" I scream. He looks up from the girl in his arms that he was deeply kissing. The girl's Tiffany Banks from District 6. The girl who said our love was a fake. What the hell! She is pretty, but not as pretty as me! Why would he do that? There's fear in his eyes.

"You asshole!"

"Sparkle, I swear this isn't what it looks like!"

"You asshole! You cheated on me! I thought you loved me!"

"Sparkle please! Let me explain!"

"You had your chance Maddox! Rot in hell!" I scream. I barely realize I'm holding my daggers. I stab it deep into his chest. The cannon fires.

"And you deserve to rot in hell too!" I scream to Tiffany Banks, the girl who claimed our love wasn't real, who actually was right. Just before I'm about to stab her she gives me an offer.

"Wait! I've got an idea! What if we start our own alliance?"

"Why the hell would I do that?" I say, holding back a sob.

"You and I both know that Your alliance is gonna end real soon." She says simply. I lower my dagger. "Allies?"

"Allies." Oh yes, this could definitely work out.

Xeno Mason P.O.V

What the hell is going down that way. I wish I was there. I'd kill everyone without looking back. I haven't seen or heard from any of my "allies" so far. Maybe they're the ones who are being killed off. Screw you Odin.

I hear the slightest noise come from a tree above me. Someone's around here.

"Come out here! Or are you too scared?" I taunt. I'm surprised to see Tate McHardy jump from eight feet up from a tree branch, down to me feet.

"You're still alive?"

"Maybe I'm stronger then I look."

"I doubt that."

"You'll just have to find out."

"You're really gonna fight me?"

"I'm not a coward." She simply replies.

"Your pretty dumb though."

"Actually I didn't come here for a fight, I came here to give you this." She says holding up a piece of lined paper with very familiar. No, that little thief! I curse under my breath.

"You want this?" She taunts.

"You little thief!"

"Don't trust a girl from the Galloway."

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Oh really?" She says and whips a knife at me. I thrash it away with my claw. Not a bad throw. But not good enough to beat me.

Tate McHardy P.O.V

Ok, sneaking up on Xeno wasn't the best idea. But after out running the tracker jackers and keeping both Melina and myself alive I was pretty proud. Remind me to never act so smart ass and cocky again. Now I could be dead in a few seconds.

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