District 12 Interviews

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Ririi Akimine P.O.V

Wow Valista was great. The guy from 11's just finishing up. He did ok but with a score like his he's not getting many sponcers. Poor guy.

"Ririi Akimine you're on!" The Capitol director screams through her megaphone. I rush onstage. I wish I wasn't wearing heels! They're super hard to walk in. Valista sure was lucky! I sit across from Hazel Bellon and the interview begins.

"Ririi, you're part of the three girl alliance of Isabel Stern, Valista Plauntine, and yourself. Do you think you're a force to be reckoned with?"

"Sure, we're all strong fighters and have stood up to the Careers. We deserve a bit of credit for that I hope!"

"I guess you do. You might have a bit of a problem with your score though..." She trails off.

"Lets just say I made a bit of a mistake in training."

"Well, that's bad luck."

"Still, the Careers should watch their backs!"

"That would be a smart move on their part."

"You've got that right."

"Next question, what's your strategy for he Games?"

"Stay alive, and if I die I'll die as myself, with friends and won't go down without a fight."

"Good plan. Next is one of our viewer questions, a creative one I must say. Of the tributes in last years Games who are you most like?"

"Not any of them since I'm not dead!" I joke. "Probably that girl Misha from 7. She was smart and knew how to stay alive. Her only problem was combat, so we're not exactly the same."

"Ahh, yes she died is the final six knife at the feast, she was one of the favourites to win." Hazel says.

"She was talented."

"Next question, your district partner Maddox Pine is liked by Sparkle Gold of District 1. Do you think this is a real relationship?"

"I'm not exactly sure Hazel. I mean, he's with the Careers so I don't see or talk to him much. I do find it kinda weird that they never said anything. I mean sure they flirted a bit, but it doesn't seem like a real relationship."

"We'll see if you're right..."

Maddox Pine P.O.V

Finally it'll be my turn soon. Ririi's going on and on about how mine and Sparkle's love isn't true. Truthfully it isn't, since we're not even in a relationship. She is cute though, and it might be helpful for getting sponcers in the arena. Maybe this can be true love.

Ririi has less then a minute left. She's done quite well, and at the moment is joking with Hazel. The crowd's cheering crazily. Geez what the hell's so great about her? Finally she finishes up and I'm called onstage. When I walk on the crowd goes nuts. If I can play this right I can knock everyone else off the map.

I take my seat across from Hazel Bellon. I bet Sparkle is watching, I hope she thinks I look ok, and kinda hot. The crowds cheering finally dies own and the interview begins.

"Maddox, all night I've been wanting to interview you! First question! Many other tributes claim your and Sparkle Gold's secret relationship isn't true love. Are they right?"

"Of course not! I din't want to tell Sparkle but since day one I've really liked her. I always wanted to tell her, and now this might be able to work out for us." Almost half the crowd bursts into tears, the other half cheers. I'm guessing they're the betters.

"Well that's just sweet! I must admit you two are perfect for each other!"

"You think so?"

"Of course! What do you think of the other couple of Rosalie and Fabien?"

"Personally I'm a bit worried for Fabien that Rosalie looks like trouble. I'm pretty sure she's playing him."

"Don't you find it strange that he said he'd give his life for her?"

"Exactly, he goes and admits it while she plays that little clueless girl angle. I'd watch that one if I were you Fabien!" I say. Rosalie and Fabien really need a dig taken at them.

"Final question. Maddox will we expect to see more of you and Sparkle in the arena?"

"You can count on it! I want to show her how much I love her."

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