Remake Centre

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Tate McHardy P.O.V

Could that've been any worse? I doubt it. That was the worst possible costume to have me model. It was way too tight and slutty. That didn't help me win sponcers at all! If I ever get back to the Galloway those hard kids aren't ever gonna let me live this one down. That's when I remember that if I win I won't be that poor girl from the Galloway. I'll be a girl from the Victors Village. I'll get to live in a neighbourhood with all the other District 4 victors.

"You ok? You looked freaked out there." Finn jokes. 

"Whatever." I say and storm off into my room. The last thing I want to do right now is chat with the Careers. Great, now I'll have to do even better in training!

"You ok?" Katelyn asks just before I'm into the elevator. Crap I wasn't as invisible as I wanted to be. Katelyn looks straight at me, obviously expecting an answer.

"Ugh, lets just say I didn't exactly love my costume." I say, covering my chest. She snickers. I am so lucky I got out of that one.

Isabel Stern P.O.V

The chariot ride was amazing. My dress was spectacular, though it wasn't really my taste. Though I liked it, the second I get to my room on the District 3 floor I rip the dress off and throw on a T-Shirt and shorts. I want to start a game of soccer as quick as possible. The field is on the ground floor, just behind the massive garden. It's fresh grass. Sadly, the field and the entire green space is surrounded by a massive chain link fence, wouldn't want to lose a tribute.

"Hey, you made it!" Says Valista. I laugh, her golden tattoos are still above her eyebrows.

"I wanted to hurry." She says, noticing me staring at her tattoos. 

"Do you think Ririi's coming?" I ask.

"I think so." Valista says simply. It still wouldn't surprise me if Ririi didn't come though. I'm not sure she liked the game. I don't think she'd ditch us.

"Hey guys!" Ririi says brightly as she walks onto the field. Valista and I both wave. I close the door to the fence the surrounds the field and strike a smooth, crisp pass to Valista. She easily stops it and sends the ball towards Ririi. Ririi actually manages to stop the ball and give a nice pass back to me.

"Nice one!" I say happily. She gives me a huge smile. I bet she's been trying hard to get better. After a couple hours the Careers show up. They probably don't know how to play, but are here to annoy us, or possibly hurt us.

"What are you up to?" The guy from 1 asks, in an evil voice. They all have creepy smiles on their faces and are clearly looking to mess with us.

"Uh oh!" Ririi whispers just loud enough that Valista and I can only hear. I have a slight feeling that this won't end well. The girl from 1 easily opens the fence and the Careers enter. There's 6 of them. Both from 1 and 2, the guy from 4, and Maddox from 12. The girl from 4 is missing. I don't really care though, it's one less opponent after all.

"You so are gonna get it." Says the girl from 2. Her district partner licks his lips. Creepy. I look to the soccer ball at my feet, and without thinking I shoot it at the Careers. It catches the guy from 2 square in the face. He growls and sprints towards me at top speed. Help!

"I'm gonna kill you!" He shouts.

"Um, you can't kill before the arena." Says Valista, totally smart-ass. He turns and runs towards Valista. Seriously? Where are the Capitol guards when you need them? Valista's quick though, the first swing he takes at her she easily side steps. She then claws him in the cheek. 

"What the HELL!" He screams. Oh my gosh! Valista sprints to my side. The guy's not interested in us anymore. He's after Ririi. Damn it!

He's seconds from reaching her and snapping her in half. We have to do something. It's too late though, both me and Valista know it. Crap, Ririi's doomed.

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