Training Day 2

430 13 17

Xeno Mason P.O.V

I've spent the last hour clawing away at the training dummies. I make up new moves on the spot. Trainers have their eyes on me. I don't really care though, as long as they give me a good score I'll be fine.

My allies are all here, working with weapons of course. Katelyn's whipping knives around like she was yesterday, Sparkle's showing off gymnastics moves to Maddox on a bar that's normally used for chin-ups, Finn's throwing tridents around, while Tate is doing the same, except that she's using a spear, Odin's at the Centre of it all, laughing with the others and impressing at every station.

They might think he's the one to watch out for, but he's not. I am.

"Hey Xeno." Odin says appearing beside me.

"Hey." I mutter. I'm not used to this whole "friends" concept. At school I'm more likely to throw someone down a flight of stairs then talk to them.

"What's up?" He asks. Get out of my way!

"Nothing much..." 

"See you at lunch!" He says and walks towards Katelyn. With that idiot out of my way I should be able to get some decent practice in. 

He'd better watch out!

Rosalie Mills P.O.V

"Where do you want to head now?" I ask Fabien. He looks adorable in his black training outfit. I seriously want to kiss him. I will, but later.

"I don't know... Maybe knot-tying?" He suggests.

"No we were there yesterday, we want to cover as many stations as possible, remember?" He laughs. I flash him a flirty grin.

"Maybe I should get some practice in with my scythe. I don't want to leave you though." He says.

"Go!" I urge. We need to know how to use weapons so we can protect each other in the arena. He smiles and wanders off. Hopefully he does ok. Maybe it's time I practice with some weapons too.

"Welcome to the sword station! Can I help you with anything?" The instructor asks. 

"I'm fine, I just need to practice a bit." I say. I grab a large bronze sword. I'm pretty strong and the sword is the perfect weight and balance for me. 

"Four robots please!" I call out. They arrive quickly. I take my position. The guy from  is here too and has his eyes trained on me. 

One of the robots whips a throwing knife at me. I easily deflect it with my sword. The robots weapons are only plastic, but do hurt when they're smacked against you with great force. I don't want that to happen.

I duck as another throwing knife goes over my head. That robot I'll kill first. I bring my sword down hard on the robots head, easily slicing it in two. The trainers have their eyes on me now, they probably didn't know I was strong enough to slice a robot in half!

Now that there's no throwing knives being rapidly thrown at my head I'm able to close in on the other three robots. Two have spears and one has a sword like me. I charge at both the spear handling robots. One tosses its spear at me. I easily dodge and stab it in the heart. I spin around on one knee and stab my sword into the other robots knee. I tackle it and stab it in the neck.

Now for the final robot. I'm thinking a one-to-one sword duel would be nice. I calmly stand up, directly across from the robot. This will get me some serious attention.

I charge at the robot, but just as it's about to stab me I launch myself over it and bury my sword in the robots back. I swing it around and chop its head off. 

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