The Train Part 1

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Katelyn May P.O.V

We're escorted into the train. Almost immediately as we step in the train speeds off to the next district to pick up tributes. In earlier Games the Capitol provided each district their own train. Now they don't, probably because they don't need to waste too many trains for the tributes, so instead of one small train we get a massive sized train. 

Another reason the Capitol puts us all in one train is so we can make allies quicker. Games without alliances are usually the more dull Games. This year I'll make sure to make up a strong Career Pack just from the train.

I'd like to talk with Xeno, he definitely should be part of the Career Pack. Sadly, he storms off to his room. I wonder what he's so angry about? 

The only other tributes on the train at the moment are the tributes from 1. I decide to go into my quarters and change out of this dress. I toss it on the ground and put on a simple black T-Shirt and jeans. I do my hair in a high ponytail. That's better. I grab the T.V remote and press the number 1. It shows the District 1 reaping on the screen. 

It's the normal District 1 reaping. Both tributes are volunteers and look pretty strong. They're seventeen and eighteen and both seem to have training. Perfect, I ask them. I turn the T.V off and rush into the District 1 section of the train. 

Both the boy and girl are sitting, sipping hot chocolate. The girls beautiful with wavy brown hair that flows down her back and stunning golden brown eyes. The boy on the other hand isn't attractive whatsoever. He has messy blond hair and his covered in training scars. He's also missing an eye, which is now replaced by a long scar that goes from where the top of his eye used to be down his cheek.

I take a seat beside the girl, who moves over so I can have a bit of space.

"I'm guessing you're here to align with us." The boy says. I'm guessing he's eighteen.

"Obviously." I say.

"We are definitely making up this years Career pack." The girl says. Me and the boy both nod.

"So who are we taking?" 

"Well, Xeno looks pretty strong, he's from my district. I would've had him come but he's clearly pissed off about SOMETHING!" The girl snickers. 

"I'll talk to him later, I'm Odin by the way." The guy says.

"I'm Sparkle."

"Katelyn." I say, shaking their hands to confirm our alliance. 

"We should see about District Four too." Says Sparkle.

"Sure, I've got to get back to the District 2 car, our mentors wanted to speak with us."

"Uh oh!" Sparkle mocks. Me and Odin laugh.

"Bye guys!" I say waving as I exit the car. Perfect, two strong allies already.

Odin En's P.O.V

"Katelyn looks pretty strong, same with Xeno." I say. Sparkle and I are in the sitting car watching the re-cap of the reapings on the large flat screen T.V 

"Katelyn's cool, I don't know what's with Xeno. I wonder why he's so pissed off." Sparkle says. Good question. At the moment he's not looking to good in the Career alliance.

"Hey you guys! What's up?" Nate says, taking a seat next to Sparkle. 

"Just talking strategy, making up the Career Pack." I say.

"Smart plan, it's a good idea to form alliances quickly." Iyra says, taking her seat next to Nate. We silence as the District 3 reaping begins. The female tribute is actually a volunteer! She must think she can win if she did.

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