District 4 Interviews

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Tate McHardy P.O.V

"Tate McHardy you're on!" The Capitol director shouts to me. I grip my dress and stumble towards her. I hate high heels.

I've never worn the shoes in my life and I can't stop stumbling. The dress is nice though. It's lacy black over my chest, then with a teal blue skirt. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever worn, not to mention it's not half as revealing as that chariot costume!

The outfit also comes with matching black earrings and necklace that resembles a bow tie as jewellery. They look expensive, maybe they cost enough to buy a house in the Galloway for all I know. The worst part of the outfits the heels.

How will I put this? They're high, really really high. Being from the Galloway most people are too poor to even afford shoes. All I've worn is tattered running shoes, it's hard to adjust to five inch heels. 

I look nice enough. My brown hair has been washed and curled. I hate to say it but I actually look pretty.  

The director decides this time to shove me onto the stage. I can barely stop myself from falling on my face. That was too close. I calmly walk onto the stage. There's a few cheers, but I'm guessing they're for my outfit, since my training score was nothing too good. I take my seat next to Hazel Bellon. This kinda reminds me of reaping day, I just want it to end. Look how well that ended up for me.

"Welcome Tate, I must say you look gorgeous, how are you enjoying the Capitol life so far?" She asks. I've pretty much got the mediocre tribute questions hardwired into my head, and this is one of them.

"It's ok I guess. Back home where I live you're lucky to get a crumb of food a day, so of course all I've been doing is stuffing myself!" I say, causing a big laugh from the audience.

"What about the costumes, what do you think folks? Does she look beautiful or what?" There are a few cheers of agreement from the crowd.

"Lets just say this dress is a bit more my taste." I say causing a huge laugh from the crowd. They all knew how uncomfortable I was. It doesn't really bother me though, now that I think about it. I mean, I looked like an idiot, but all will be forgiven in the Games when I show people I'm not exactly weak.

"Well, I must say you look beautiful! Next question! Have you made any allies for the Games?" I'm almost positive they know I'm with the Careers so why bother asking? Maybe the public doesn't though.

"Actually I'm part of the Career Pack." I say simply. The crowd gasps. I'm guessing they didn't know.

"Isn't it kind of strange that you're not really a Career?"

"True I'm not a Career, but I'm still stronger then I look."

"Well, good luck! We have time for one final question. Who do you think is your biggest competition?"

"Katelyn, she's pretty smart, though she's part of my alliance I'll be watching out for her." I say. Katelyn's already suspicious of me, and probably isn't even watching right now.

"She's certainly a dangerous girl! Good luck Tate McHardy of District 4!" Hazel says and I walk offstage.

Finn Conch P.O.V

I walk happily onto the stage. I've got this interview in the bag.

"Welcome Finn!" Hazel says. I sit down across from her and the interview begins. I can totally use my good humour to my advantage.

"So my first question is how do you think of the Games so far?" She asks.

"Wait! You mean they've already started?" I joke, causing a roar of laughter from the crowd. Hazel has a huge smile on her face.

"You'd better wake up!" Hazel jokes.

"I think that's the problem with the guy from 3!" I say. Causing a fit of laughter from the crowd and Hazel. That guy from 3 actually fell asleep during his interview! Pretty sad huh?

"Yes, quite a tired fellow he is." Hazel says, getting even more laughs.

"Now Finn I know being serious is hard for you but I need to ask you a couple questions." Hazels says, playfully hitting me. 

"You sound like a therapist!" I say. The crowd is going nuts. This is so my show!

"Ok, do you think you can win the Games?"

"What do you think?" I say flexing my muscles. The crowd laughs again.

"Pretty confident are you?" Hazel says. I wink back at her causing more laughter. I definitely will have sponcers after this performance.

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