District 9 Interviews

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Fabien Goode P.O.V

Grania walks off the stage with a bitter scowl on her face. I think from the second she was reaped that she'd be dead on day one. She didn't even try in her interview.

"Fabien good you're on!" The director says. I'm barely nervous. Rosalie did well, and I just need to up it a bit to get some more sponcers. We stand are great chance in these Games! I imagine Rosalie in my head saying "way to be optimistic!" I really love her, but especially her personality. I think of her when I walk onstage and sit across from Hazel Bellon.

"Fabien I couldn't wait for you to be up so get ready for the interview of your life!" Hazel chirps. I kinda makes me wonder if she's entirely sane, then again I don't think there's one sane citizen in the entire Capitol.

"Question away." I say with a big grin on my face.

"As we all know you have a bit of a showmance with Rosalie Mills of District 5. Earlier tonight Tiffany Banks claimed that she thought the showmances weren't real, we'd like to hear you opinion on that."

"Tiffany is totally wrong! I love Rosalie more then anything in the world! I'd give my life for her in a second!"

"Wow, that's so kind of you!" 

"I think she's right about Maddox and Sparkle though, before tonight I didn't think anything was going on between the two of them, they didn't seem to like each other at all until tonight."

"So you're saying their love isn't real?"

"Are you kidding me? Faker alert!" I joke, causing a few laughs from the crowd.

"Well, there's been quite a few accusations of Maddox and Sparkle!" Hazel jokes. "Let's move on, do you think you stand a chance in these Games?"

"I think anyone does unless they've already accepted death, so yeah I think I could win, but I'd give my life up to save Rosalie." The crowd starts balling. That's true love!

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